22 Responses to “Ultimate Movie Deathmatch: Achilles Vs. Maximus”

  1. Trapped in Philly says:

    Great job!

    It’s all about the arrogance of Achilles, as you stated. Maximus is driven in such a way that he would overcome until the weak point became apparent.

    • Heather says:

      He survived until his mission was accomplished and was so driven that he refused to be beaten. Achilles never thought he could be beaten. It would still be an incredible battle to watch. I suspect it would be fought with Achilles controlling the fight until Maximus found a way to expose and kill him.

  2. Brian says:

    “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.”


    • Heather says:

      Very nice Brian. Very nice.

    • One of the greatest lines ever delivered… so steady but filled with rage!

      • Heather says:

        Russell Crowe makes Gladiator. Great movie but could anyone else deliver those lines with such a confident sense of resolve, reflection, and sorrow? I think not.

  3. Frank says:

    Was does Maximus look exactly like Robin Hood?

    • Heather says:

      I think Ridley Scott thinks Russell Crowe is hot in a skirt. Who can blame him?

  4. Castor says:

    Maximus would whup that punk Achilles!! Are you not entertained? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?

    • Heather says:

      Maximus is a bad bad dude.

    • Castor says:

      I just watched Gladiator (again x 217) last night. Such a great movie, great scenes one after the other. This obviously reinforces my opinion that Maximus would whup Achilles ass (or heel)

      • Heather says:

        Gladiator probably rolls into my top twenty of all time. One of my favorite movies ever and Maximus is a god even if he wasn’t birthed by one.

        I saw this in the theater by myself and walked out in the afternoon with tears in my eyes trying to find a person to talk to about how powerful it truly was.

  5. Rachel says:

    What about the ability to sizzle sans clothing? In that case, I’d have to go with Achilles. But great match-up and I look forward to future matches.

    • Heather says:

      I’m liking a lot of peoples loyalty to Achilles. When I started building the match I actually was in his favor but then I started to break down how their strengths, skills, and weaknesses would work for or against them and it surprised me to discover that in the end I think Maximus would overcome Achilles. He fought with cunning and Achilles with arrogance. Ultimate downfall.

      Next time I think I’m going to add a narrative of exactly how I think the fight would unfold. Fiction is fun.

  6. Maximus… was this really even close???

    • Heather says:

      Well, you got to hand it to Achilles, even though Maximus gets the win, he is also a raging wicked bad dude.

  7. Marc says:

    Now this was a good match up Heather! Quite a bit more researched and interesting than my Maximus vs.Leonidas poll: http://tinyurl.com/2d57zx3

    But aside from Achilles’ bad ass first kill in the movie, his vanity and style had him continually losing points on my score card. Maximus, noble to the end, fights the honorable fight, plus he just a better warrior overall. Fighting for family and purpose over pride alone, he could be a samurai. Now that would be good to see, a gladiator vs. a samurai:)

  8. babar says:

    i think maximus is the real fighter and hero. according to me achhillis is a bad ass.

  9. Robert Gates says:

    As Secretary of Defense,

    It is obvious that Achilles would stomp on Maximus all god damn day. Revenge? Passion? ‘Freedom’? Freedom from what – getting curb stomped? Maximus would put a fight – no question – but parts of the breakdown have no bearing on the fight. Maximus’ ability to lead – cool, who the fuck is he leading? Yah Maximus’ strengths are better suited for a different type of throw down – as far as one v one is concerned. Achilles eats people like Maximus after he finishes his main course of barb wire and bullets.

  10. subhadeep says:

    Achilles overall is a far greater warrior as compared to maximus . Speed , agility ,endurance he scores over maximus in all of them. As pointed out maximus’s leadership skills would be of no use as this is a one on one fight. Contrary to what is being said achilles arrogance would not be a problem as he during fights he is supremely collected and calm while fighting. Maximus would not get a chance to use his achilles’s weakness against him as achilles thanks to his uspeior strength and agility will make the fight a short one and not a long drawn out.

  11. Xiphos says:

    Don’t any of you ill educated louts realize that Achilles is a demigod? the son of a nymph blessed with immortality by being dipped in the river Styx? In another version of the legend he was annotated with ambrosia and put on a fire to burn out the human parts. However you slice he Achilles is stronger, faster and can absorb more damage then fatty Russel Crowe, all that fat Crowe sports might help stop a cut by a bronze sword.

    The only thing fatass has going for him in this comparisons is his armor and weapons are better then what Achilles would have, steel beats bronze. It’s a very small almost miniscule advantage but its still something.

  12. cal phil says:

    why would yall even but maximus in the same catigory as achilles now i say THEECESS might give achilles sum compt but maximus is aye petty human wit kno ambition

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