11 Responses to “Groovers & Mobsters Present: 복수 삼부작 (The Vengeance Trilogy)”

  1. 3 times on the “presents”… we might need to change this to Groovers, Mobsters and THE LIST presents: hahaha
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..Groovers & Mobsters Present- 복수 삼부작 The Vengeance Trilogy

  2. Heather says:

    Or just “The Most Awesome Bloggers In the Universe Presents”………..

    I’ve unfortunately only seen Oldboy myself, and that only as recently as the last year.

    Who doesn’t love a good vengeance theme? It’s one of the most pure and raw emotions driven from seeds of passion. I must check out Kai and Allison’s movies as well.
    Heather recently posted..Groovers & Mobsters Present- 복수 삼부작 The Vengeance Trilogy

  3. CMrok93 says:

    Oldboy is one of the most original revenge thrillers I have seen in a long time. It does get you going for a long time, then when that ending comes up, damn, your are just thinking what did I watch. In a good way.
    CMrok93 recently posted..The Mist 2007

  4. Andrew says:

    I could write about the Vengeance trilogy, and specifically Oldboy, all damn day long. Excellent movies.

    • Heather says:

      I have to see the other two, because Oldboy is still one of the most shocking movies I have seen in ten years, and it wasn’t just because of the mind blowing ending. The build up really showed there was more going on than the eye could see. Just who in there right mind would have imagined that sick twist?

      • Andrew says:

        I’d say Sophocles– and also that that’s part of what makes Oldboy so great. I think a lot of people tend to frame Oldboy strictly as a revenge thriller, and they’re not wrong per se but Oldboy arguably shares more in common with classic tragedies than with more straightforward man-on-a-mission-of-vengeance exploitation cinema. (Not that it’s totally removed from that kind of storytelling, I just think that it’s a tragedy first and foremost.) Oldboy may be to modern audiences what Oedipus was to the audiences of its time, though I realize what an enormous boast this is and am more than willing to identify this claim as being hyperbolic in nature. That said I don’t think it’s far off to call Oldboy one of the great tragedies of contemporary storytelling/filmmaking; everyone but Mi-do and Dae-su winds up dead and Dae-su is such a ruined husk of a man that it’s really hard to qualify him as a survivor.

        See what I mean? I didn’t even click “reply” with the intent of puking that much verbiage out and look what happens. These rank among my favorite movies to discuss, hands-down.

        • Heather says:

          I still what you mean with the Oedipus trilogy and now that makes me consider the initial intent of the story in the first place. Also, my hats off to a foreign film not being afraid to play with a topic that American’s might stray away from as being too taboo for our mainstream releases.

          Now that you point it out, I agree with your feelings about Oldboy being a tragedy. Besides all the elements being there, the final few scenes might blow you away because of the “shocking” ending, but in truth it’s really quite sad, and the puzzle of both characters at the end really is dumbfounding.

          Thanks for the spewage Andrew. Quite good stuff. :)
          Heather recently posted..DVD Review- Batman- Under the Red Hood 2010

  5. Three I’ve seen none of, though I keep hearing about Oldboy. I think I need to see it just to see if I can guess the twist, I am pretty twisted myself…
    Encore Entertainment recently posted..Literature Review

    • Heather says:

      Just get to it. The twist is the end, and not predictable, and while mind blowing really isn’t what makes the movie so great. The relationships, the theme of loneliness and a sense of being lost in a world you don’t understand really hit home with me. It’s a film that hits on many notes, and remarkably there’s not quite anything like it out there.

  6. My question is, if it was you at the end of Oldboy (vague spoiler), would you want to forget?
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD


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