21 Responses to “Top Ten Post-Apocalyptic Movies”

  1. moviejunkie says:

    It makes sense putting The Stand on here, but the acting was atrocious and the last Act was a waste. I would have dropped one of the zombie flicks and The Stand and added Omega Man and The Matrix.

  2. every says:

    about half of this list is dead on, the other half is awful. Mad Max? seriously?

  3. Trapped in Philly says:

    Mad Max deserves the number one spot because of importance and theme. The first movie is still one of the darkest yet most realistic images of the gradual fall of society. Now Thunderdome is one of the cheesiest movies I have ever seen, but I understand putting it up as a trilogy because so many people have only seen Road Warrior and Thunderdome. I also love Children of Men being so high, again because of the realism of the fall of society.

  4. me says:

    “you wanna get out of here….talk to me”

  5. danny-o says:

    you can’t understand 12 monkeys?!?-hahahahahaha did you ever read a book or do any thing that required more brain cells than watching “dancing with the stars”? You seem to be the reason why anyone over 35 says the American youth seem more retarded now than ever-look at yourself in the mirror next time you are hunched over typing on little keyboard to your friends. I used to call my friends and hang out an talk to them. You are truly retarded.

  6. Heather says:

    I never said I couldn’t understand 12 Monkeys.

    “Twelve Monkey’s has gotten a bad reputation for being a movie too complicated for people to understand, and yes it might be a little complex, but it’s also ridiculously scary and intelligent, not to mention entertaining.”

    Perhaps actually reading does help. Thanks for the advice and comment!

  7. Yayo Mimo says:

    Ouch guy! I guess you’re the one that should pick up a book, but if you can’t even read a simple post on a website then good luck to you. Maybe start with Curious George its probably around your skill level! hahahahahaha ;)

  8. The Lizard King says:

    While I can agree with Every, in that Mad Max isn’t the movie that cult fans have made it out to be, it does have that loyal following, and does introduce interesting concepts of post-apocalyptic society. But the movie was still broing as Hell.

    Children of Men is a glorified action film that focuses too much on bad guys shooting at good guys and not enough on rich, deep thematic concepts that feel glossed over in order to enact the same formula of: 1. run from bad guys; 2. get help hiding from bad guys; 3. see the person who helped get killed; 4. flee the scene; 5. repeat. This formula happened about four or five time, thus making the two-hour running time of the film. Beautifully directed, but the writers really dropped the ball. I also understand that most people don’t agree with me, so I could understand an honorable mention, but #2 seems a little high.

    12 Monkeys is proably the best film on here, and is probably the best example of a time travel movie that enacts the concept of “whatever happened happened”, exploring the idea that time-travelers cannot change anything. Absolutely riveting.

    It’s nice to see movies like Reign of Fire get some love, as most self-indulgent wanna-be film theorists tend to poo-poo this type of fare. Well done on giving credit where credit is due. I also have to agree that the Dawn of the Dead remake is more entertaining. Fast zombies are just more exciting than slow zombies. And while 28 Days Later isn’t technically a zombie movie, it really probably is the best zombie movie out there.

    Well done. Even though I don’t necessarily agree with everything, you do rationalize your incorrect choices well. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll!

  9. Heather says:

    Honestly, I just figured people would be pissed I didn’t put Chuck up on the list with Planet Of The Apes, which I think is a good film, but overrated and Heston’s acting…….well………its just what Chuck does.

    I can see the contention with Mad Max, especially since I put it up as a trilogy, but the continuation of the worlds demise and the evolution of Gibsons character makes the story deserve it. Thunderdome is cheesy and Mad Max is a VERY slow paced film, but as a trilogy I think it deserves it’s one spot, if not then the top three for sure.

    However, I’m surprised at your reaction to Children Of Men, Lizard King. In a way I felt the escape and YES the constant chase scene was similar to the original Terminator. There were moments of character development, foreshadowing of the future, surprises, a fleshed out world that felt entirely possible. Some of the dialogue ran a little stale, but overall it was brilliant.

    Thanks King, I believe you also rationalize your incorrect choices well. Orange Potatoes!

  10. bobbygee says:

    I saw them all.. My favorite is 12 monkeys. The original Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I love them Snake Plisskin is so cool. Bobby Gee. Check out my blog http://bobbygee.wordpress.com/

  11. FilmFather says:

    Great list (though the picture you used for Body Snatchers is a major spoiler). I still have yet to see Reign of Fire and Children of Men. Based on your write-up, I will make it a point to do so.

  12. Matt says:

    WALL-E was better than all of these movies (especially Reign of Fire, WTF?) and it only gets an honorable mention. Pitiful.

  13. Great list. The order is a bit screwy. No way Children of Men should be so high and Dawn sooo low… and Dawn always tops Dead… on any list… great none-the less.
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

    • And is The Stand like the last thing Molly Ringwald ever did?
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

  14. Was the Time Machine post-apocalyptic? The book was way better (and completely different) but I did like that movie. And would The Road be eligible here? Cause I like that one too.

    • I actually love The Time Machine as well but don’t think it counts. The Road would be perfect for this list but I think it wasn’t out when she wrote this.
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

  15. julius says:

    Mad Max was not good
    Road Warrior was the best.
    Amazing piece of filmmaking.
    how about Akira?

    • xiphos says:

      Mad Max isn’t good yet you’re pimping some crap Jap animated garbage? Dude you are not a man you should just give up. Your life will never amount to anything since you are a giant walking vagina.

  16. Pat says:

    Ok, I’m going to shamelessly plug this sci-fi comedy feature of mine: Hellacious Acres : The Case of John Glass. 2011 coming on DVD in 2012

  17. xiphos says:

    Good on you writer of this post for having the intestinal fortitude and brains to admit that the 2004 version of DoD craps all over the POS 78 version by uber hack Romero.

  18. xiphos says:

    of course you do lose points and much credibility by listing CoM at 2(why is the junk even on the list? but there are a few very questionable choices here.) and not EFNY. Also Day of the Dead really? That crap pile was worse then Dawn.
