14 Responses to “Inglourious Basterds (2009)”

  1. Trapped in Philly says:

    Yes, if a movie ever needed an extra bucket for the ranking this movie is it. As much as I loved District 9, this movie will be the one I remember at the end of the year, and this will be the movie that I buy on DVD the day it comes out. I’m going to see it again this week, so I can enjoy the dialog without stupid old redneck woman screaming at the screen.

  2. Heather says:

    Screaming at the screen? How and why?

  3. mcarteratthemovies says:

    Wow. A masterpiece, you say? Well, then, I shall see it forthwith!

  4. hagiblog says:

    I haven’t been impressed by Tarantino in the last few films I’ve seen of his but this one looks great. Just how much dialogue is in this one? That’s really the one thing that he can do either really well or very badly. It’s an up and down thing with me.

  5. moviejunkie says:

    Just saw this yesterday and BEST movie of the year. Even better than District 9.

    Hagi, some of the dialogue was questionable but the actors were superb so they compensated for any lack of greatness there.

    I liked it better than Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown but so much as Kill Bill or Reservoir Dogs, but for sure up there.

  6. hagiblog says:

    It’s funny that you liked it better then Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown but less than Kill Bill or Reservoir Dogs because I like Pulp Fiction and loved Reservoir Dogs but didn’t like Jackie Brown and thought Kill Bill was alright.

    I’m wondering where this will fit in my categories now! Although my man-crush on Brad Pitt will probably help this one! HAHAHA!

  7. Heather says:

    Your love affair with Brad Pitt won’t be hindered, if anything it will only grow. He is insane in this movie and will make you laugh your ass off.

  8. hagiblog says:

    Sweet! I’ll probably be checking this one out tonight since my girlfriend already saw District 9 and wasn’t impressed. Guess I’ll have to live with Brad Pitt tonight instead of weird talking aliens!

  9. george says:

    Going out on a limb….I’d say you kinda liked this film Heather ;-)

  10. reeltoreel says:

    I completely agree that this is the best movie of 2009 so far. The Hurt Locker held my previous number 1 slot but “Basterds” not only bumped it from the spot, it blew it up. Great movie and great review!

  11. Heather says:

    Forget the Aliens and go see Basterds Hagi! That’s what I did. Totally intended on seeing D9, but went to IB instead. Well worth it, though I still want to see the weird aliens myself.

    Thank you Reel To Reel! Love to hear someone share the enthusiasm!

    Welcome back George! We haven’t heard from you in awhile!

  12. says:

    Totally agree that this is one of the best movies of the year so far, though I still count PULP FICTION as QT’s best flick.

    I also couldn’t agree more with you that this film is stacked with some absolutely tense scenes. There is a flow to them here that helps propel the overall story, compared to KILL BILL that felt like a collection of bloody plotlines.

    Great review – though I’m not sure I would have revealed so many details of the actual plot. Didn’t bug me since I’d already seen it, but your post is rather spoilerific.

    PS: If you’re interested, this is what

  13. FLICK's 21 says:

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  14. Athena says:

    I agree this is one of the better movies of the year. It was a surprisingly good summer though and the fall has been pretty exciting with a lot more good titles on the horizon.

    Unfortunately, most of this films brilliance will be ignored by the Academy just as The Dark Knight was last year.
