5 Responses to “Underworld (2003)”

  1. Andy says:

    I really enjoyed this film but thought the sequel Underworld: Evolution was terrible. The third Rise of the Lycans was better then the second but still not that good. The biggest problem with it was that it was completely unnecessary; the story has already been told in flashbacks in this first film and really didn’t need to be expanded upon.

    As far as the first film goes its greatest triumph is the design. It looks amazing, the costumes, the sets, the eastern European locations are all stunning, especially the costumes.

    It will be interesting to see where they take the franchise from here have they run out of ideas or is there room for another film. I can’t believe there wont be a forth film, they took about $300million (nearly three times what they cost to make) at the box office between them and are still racking up DVD sales.

  2. I loved this first one but wasn’t too big on the sequels. It was an interesting take on vampires with all the action instead of having the vampire as the brooding anti-hero or the insane monster.

  3. i think that the fight scene of Rise Of The Lycans is not very great, it is just plain action ”

  4. Rise Of The Lycans do have some great fighting scene between the werewolves and the vampires, it is a nice movie ;.,

  5. Tory Ester says:

    yes I agreee Here’s some mildly amuzing stuff I found: Thought for the day? : Support your local Search and Rescue unit. Get lost.

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