6 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: The Princess Bride (1987)”

  1. Castor says:

    Great review of one of the most beloved romantic movie of all-time! It’s funny that you wrote this review since I’m going through my Valentine’s Day Movies review marathon :) I will simply link back to this.

    • Heather says:

      Why thank you! I did a heart marathon last year and wanted to this year, but I just got started far too late. I’m thinking I seeing drunken Irish movies in my future for the next month though and tap into my heritage!

  2. Lady Mew says:

    I never ever get tired of this movie.

    “He doesn’t mean any harm….He’s really short on charm….”

    “No more rhymes, I mean it!…..Anybody want a peanut?”

  3. Inya Kawin says:

    I watched this movie twice. Love it so much.
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