7 Responses to “Mob Approved – Movies Coming Soon”

  1. Tron Legacy looks amazing but I still haven’t seen the original. I’m going to have to make sure to check it out before I head to the theaters for Legacy.

  2. I personally don’t care for Twilight, but Tron: Legacy does look pretty bad ass! I’ll probably check out The Runaways when it comes out on DVD.

  3. Heather says:

    Tron wasn’t something I was remotely inspired about, but the trailer is BITCHIN’!

    I’m reading remarkably good things about hte Runaways. Who knows? Maybe it’ll surprise me.

  4. Darren says:

    No Kick-Ass or Inception? For shame.

    I am totally feeling the Tron love, though.I want a light cycle.

  5. Castor says:

    Tron looks splendid, they really have been at it with the viral marketing the past few weeks even though the movie doesn’t come out for another 8 months. As for Twilight, no I won’t even watch the trailer. It might cause abrupt end of life.

    • Heather says:

      HAHAHAHAHAHAH……………almost wet myself………….almost.

  6. Caz says:

    I can’t wait to see The Runaways it just looks so good, plus I love Joan Jett’s music!

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