25 Responses to “Review: Shrek Forever After (2010)”

  1. Dan says:

    I thought the Shrek franchise had lost its way by the time they released that short film. Not sure if that came before Shrek The Third or not. But you’re right Heather – the first two are great fun – the second one is arguably better than the first. But it appears it has finally run out of ideas. I’m sure it’ll still make a lot of money but it’s time for Dreamworks to leave Shrek in the forrest.

  2. Yikes, I passed up the chance to see this in favour of Robin Hood last week and it seems I was right. I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I feel bad for the franchise that it’s turned into a joke.

    • Heather says:

      The best way I could describe it was DEPRESSING. I never wanted to see that side of Shrek. You made the right choice in Robin Hood.

  3. Yeah, this Shrek was pretty depressing. Nobody laughed in the theater, both my kids seemed bored with it and it certainly wasn’t as fun as How To Train Your Dragon, which I really loved.

    We saw the 3D version, which worked well enough, and that may be the only reason my kids sat through it. Well, that and popcorn too! I still stick with my theory that 3D should only be used for animated films since it was the highlight of this flick anyway.

  4. says:

    I have to second The Reel – Coming off HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, this movie felt majorly stale.

    I really wish Dreamworks would lay off the sequels and go looking for better source material to animate. Then again, I am looking forward to the forthcoming Puss N’ Boots movie.

    • There’s a Puss N’ Boots movie coming??? Why have I not heard this before! I want a Gingerbread Man movie, and not that crappy Busey flick either!

      • Peter says:

        Of course there is a movie coming. Everyone loves this character. But like SNL skits, it will probably just be overkill of something that should just come at invariable moments. If a Les Grossman feature ever does come out (as I have heard a number of stories), that will kill the character that was so great in Tropic Thunder. Of course they’ll do a Puss movie. Money, money, money!

        • Heather says:

          It will be ruined. The love and joy of Puss, is in small amounts. Too much puss and it turns into the “Sand Vagina” monster that eats Boba Fett.

          • Honestly, the way your mind work scares me at times. A Puss in the Boots movie probably won’t work…but who knows? If they want to stick with the franchise and do a spinoff they need to go to a character that’s way off. I second The Gingerbread Man spinoff.

          • Heather says:

            I’m okay with The Gingerbread Man. He’s hilarious.

          • It’s gotta be the Gingerbread Man from this flick though, all badass with his lollipop weaponry. Maybe he could fight the Sand Vagina and save Boba Fett!

  5. Castor says:

    Really? Shrek was Depressing??? Kids are not interested in watching Shrek go through a mid-age crisis. They just want to laugh and be entertained. What were they thinking? :(

  6. Peter says:

    Oooo, I kind of like it when you don’t like a film….a totally different side and style in writing. I like it! Ha! Anyway, this is the shit I complained about on Magic Lantern in posts and on video rants — what is the friggin’ point here? Very simple. Money. Every family is taking their children to see this load of dung (which, after seeing the 3rd, I have no desire to see this either) and the kids will like it because they love Shrek and they have LOW EXPECTATIONS. And from what I read here in your review, it sounds as if they should have spent more time coming up with more appropriate subject matter. Thanks for the great write-up! Take that Ogre!!!

    • Heather says:

      I tend to be better about expressing my dislike for certain films or when a film really gets under my skin, and this flick got under my skin. And you are right, it’s all about money. I constantly complain about sequels and remakes. For every good one there are 10-20 bad ones.

      • Nothing says fun like bashing a movie! I never saw the third Shrek or I may have been prepared for disaster. I liked the first two enough that I figured the fourth one couldn’t be too bad.

        I think this one really suffered because there wasn’t enough for the big kids like me. Perfect example is Toy Story 3 when Barbie comments that she likes Ken’s ‘ass-cot’. Subtle enough that the kids don’t get it but strong enough to make a goofy kid in an adult’s body like me to laugh my ass-cot off.

        Oh that was bad, I’ll stop now.

    • Marc says:

      You said it Peter, MONEY…That’s the same exact reason Disney used to put out all those dreadful direct to VHS/DVD sequels and threequels we didn’t ask for and don’t need. Sure dilute the legacy of CInderalla with a nostalgic cash grab…

      So while Shrek 3 was a horrible let down after the amazingly well done 2nd film, I hoped and prayed they would be done…but alas it went from bad to worse:( I wasn’t going to see it simply because the trailers looked terrible and after number 3 I gave up hope…and Heather you just confirmed everything beautifully. I salute you;)

  7. FRC Ruben says:

    Sequels depress me in general — the worst is when you are compelled to watch them, knowing that they are going to be…..well, you know…..sequels.

    Tell me was the animation at least more impressive?

    • Heather says:

      I didn’t get the 3D experience but it was nothing to get too excited about. The whole thing was just lazy.

      • The 3D was slightly impressive because there was so much flying around but it still seemed kind of tacked on. Where’s all the stuff flying out of the screen making me duck! I remember when the first 3D Imax theater opened around here and we were ducking from rocks flying at the screen. Of course our experience was a little ‘enhanced’ so that might have helped!

  8. Andrew says:

    I had a hard time figuring out what this movie’s purpose is. It’s the fourth film in a series of film where the protagonist rebels against his social circumstances and, after about an hour or two, comes to accept them and fight to defend them. Each movie leaves off on that note of acceptance, and yet the struggle renews itself in the next film. Eventually you’d think that Shrek would really grow into his new life, but he finds a way to piss himself off about it every single film, and that’s true with this latest installment.

    It sort of makes me wonder what the points of all the other movies are when he clearly hasn’t learned a damn thing over the course of the franchise, and when the movie ends and everyone’s happy again the only thing I could think is, “this won’t last”. Talk about a sour send-off for a franchise.

    • Heather says:

      I think the purpose was to capitalize on some extra dollars one more time. It was fleeting, insulting, and even worse a huge disappointment not just for us adults but for the kids in the audience as well. When I went it was family hour and the theater was packed with kiddos of all ages. The lack of laughter and sounds of frustrated chatter was insanely evident of the films lack of humor. Utter utter failure.

      • FRC Ruben says:

        …….just like a Jim Cameron movie…….
        FRC Ruben recently posted..Quote of the Day Spoiled Edition

        • Heather says:

          We are coming to have our own ultimate deathmatch Ruben.

          • Heather I’ll be on your team in that death match (sorry Ruben).

  9. Hi, also like the Shrek movies, awesome movie!

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