13 Responses to “Review: Inception (2010) – Jim’s Take”

  1. James Ewing says:

    I still don’t buy the whole intentionally underdeveloped character argument. I think he could at least have made them a bit more intriguing and given them more personality, which would at least have made me curious about who they are. Instead, they’re just like pawns on a chess board, something that is just there to sustain the intellectual push of Nolan’s movie.

    Cobb is fascinating, and Mal is also compelling as an extension of his character, but I never cared about him or anyone else in this movie, which seemed key for the big emotional payoff in the end, which did nothing for me.

    Still, it’s a masterfully constructed film, one I want to revisit in theaters again, but I hardly think it’s a masterpiece.
    James Ewing recently posted..Despicable Me 2010

    • As time goes on, the holes will get bigger and people will backlash. I’m just waiting for that time to come.
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      • Castor says:

        Hey, the more I think about the movie, the more inconsistencies I can find. I will keep those in mind when I see the movie again in a couple weeks. Maybe a post for another day :)
        Castor recently posted..

  2. Marion Cotillard continues to leave me slack-jawed in awe, but I can’t decide if it’s because she’s so stunningly beautiful or so talented. Probably it’s both!

    I tend to agree with you, Jim, that “Inception” is a pretty damn fantastic film. It’s certainly the best of summer 2010 (admittedly, that’s not too hard to do), and I suspect it will be one of my tops for the year. Unlike a lot of reviewers I did not find the characters uninteresting. I’m a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and believe he’s grown into a very strong actor with a knack for playing men riddled with guilt (and, everyone, let’s stop calling him a “pretty boy” — he can ACT!). Gordon-Levitt and Hardy are aces together and Watanabe is not getting enough praise for his intensity.
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    • Jim says:

      You are correct about Watanabe, he was intense and it was great.

  3. Dan says:

    I was very close to ordering tickets for tomorrow night’s showing at the local Imax theatre until I got that ‘glare’ from the other half that said it was going to cost too much. Suffice to say I’ll be seeing it on a normal-sized cinema screen instead of the 50 foot behemoth but I’m sure it’ll still be great!
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    • Jim says:

      It will still be visually stunning, trust me.

  4. Ross McG says:

    Tom Berenger is the man
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  5. Rodney says:

    There are issues with Inception, of that there is no doubt, but on the whole it’s a film destined to be much discussed for years.

    What I wanted to applaud with this review, however, is Jim’s comments regarding 3D, and the lack of Inception’s conversion to this format. Finally, a major money-making film that hasn’t pandered to the latest fad to come out of Hollywood, and Jim’s comments are right on the money. Chris Nolan deserves a big pat on the back from every film lover for resisting the urge to 3D-ify Inception. I would say that perhaps the 3D medium could have heightened the “dream world” moments of collapsing/building /folding cities, perhaps, but the film stands strong regardless.

    A masterpiece it is not, but a must-see it most assuredly is. Inception is excellent.

    • Jim says:

      Thanks Rodney! I thought I was one of the few people that felt that way.

  6. I believe that I am going to go and watch Inception one more time.totally enjoyed it

    • Jim says:

      It is definitley worth multiple viewings.

  7. Andrew says:

    I’ve yet to hear a single “inconsistency” with the film that held up or (most often the case) isn’t an inconsistency as much as a misunderstanding of the film’s ideas and rules on behalf of the commenter. Probably the most convincing example of inconsistency in the film comes down to the fact that Fischer never recognizes Saito outside the dream world, but,

    a) It’s never established that Fischer has met Saito; he might know who he is but he doesn’t necessarily know what he looks like, and
    b) Really? Like, really? Come on.

    Inception is bound to end up as one of those films that professors and scholars present in a frame-by-frame examination to their students and general audiences. In fact I look forward to watching it again and again just to pore over all of the film’s details, which seem innumerable.
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