6 Responses to “Foreign Matter: Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge (2008)”

  1. Stupid title aside, you sold me on the movie. I’m all for a quirky teen rom-com that involves a guy wielding a chainsaw. It’s what is missing in Hollywood, methinks.

    • That poster screams so many things but nothing you described.
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

  2. Bartleby says:

    that’s the odd thing about this movie. That poster image is one directly taken from the film itself, and yet, it’s perhaps one of the most deceptive things I’ve ever seen in regards to evoking the tone of the actual movie.

    It may help a little to explain that, like Scott Pilgrim, NHCE was a manga first, more or less detailing a teen relationship with an oddball setting.
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    • Well, you’ve sold me, Bartleby. Sounds like you loved the story so I suppose the chainsaw villain is just icing on the cake. I’ll check it out when I can? It’s 2008 so is it on DVD or just making it’s way to art houses here?
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

  3. CMrok93 says:

    This film has got me won over after reading this review. The title may be a little bit out there, but it just looks crazy, and fun.
    CMrok93 recently posted..Singles 1992

  4. Rodney says:

    I had to click this review just to make sure it wasn’t some kind of joke. Still not sure I want to bother seeing it, but maybe on el-cheapo DVD rental night, in a few years time….
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