15 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: Demolition Man (1993)”

  1. Castor says:

    Demolition Man has a very 80′s, early 90′s feel but overall, it was an awesome action flick! I also loved Wesley Snipes as a bad guy and Stallone gave some decent depth and background to Spartan.
    Castor recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      I thought it was a really smart performance by Stallone, it had a clever sense of humor, and just brilliant with Snipes playing all bad.
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  2. Dan says:

    Every time I think of Demolition Man I think of the three seashells. Just how the hell do you use those things!

    I suppose this (http://www.i-mockery.com/shorts/three-seashells/) is one way!
    Dan recently posted..Anticipation for Harry Potter 7 hots up

  3. rtm says:

    Ooh too funny. As I just made a post about Sandy last month, one of my guy friends immediately thought of this movie. I almost forgot she’s in it, but I actually enjoyed this movie as I like Snipes (he’s just so good in Passenger 57 & Blade, but also love his softer side in Waiting to Exhale). And that ending, whoa!!
    rtm recently posted..Hollywood Movie Draft Pitch- Hearts Want

    • Heather says:

      When I watched it I had completely forgot about her in it too. She was a bit annoying, but it worked for the part.

  4. Fitz says:

    Stallone & Snipes? I’m sold.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      Go see it Fitz!

  5. I was surprised by how much I liked this film. It’s a total blast to watch and also has some really cool sci-fi ideas. Yea, Bullock can be a bit grating, but I think this is the most fun she’s been in a movie.

    Also: 3 seashells! It had to be said.
    James Blake Ewing recently posted..Machete 2010

    • Heather says:

      I loved the security foam!

  6. says:

    I absolutely agree it shouldn’t be remade with all special effects. There was something almost charming about this movie I thought. I’ve watched it a couple of times and I just find it so entertaining. Cheesy yes, but it works:)
    Olive recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      It had just the right amount of cheese I felt Olive!

  7. Will says:

    I haven’t seen this in a very long time, but I loved it as a kid. The three seashells is the ultimate movie conundrum because no one can ever figure out how it works, but it seems like there should be a way to make it work. I’m definitely going to have to watch this again sometime in the future.
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  8. Steve says:

    Love this movie – everything about it. Not too sure I like that it paved the way for Judge Dredd, as far as the sci-fi-action blend you were talking about though. Denis Leary is great – although he’s essentially doing his routine from No Cure for Cancer – but when is Leary not doing one of his routines? (Maybe in Ice Age?)

    Whoever taught Snipes to fight was a freakin’ genius. It was like jiu-jitsu mixed up with little jeet kune do and who knows what else. He ported it over to Blade very well – Simon Phoenix could indeed be the reason Blade worked so well…

    Rob Shneider actually seems right at home here… but then we’re getting back into the genesis of Judge Dredd, so I’ll leave that alone.

    Way to talk up the real classics!
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  9. Nikita Blue says:

    This totally pisses me off. *Of course* some people don’t even remember Sandra Bullock was in it; she was knocked unconscious so that Stallone could be the big, bad white guy. More from me on Demolition Man: http://tinyurl.com/3omf7u9
    Nikita Blue recently posted..A Look Back- Demolition Man 1993

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