10 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: Rain Man (1988)”

  1. Bartleby says:

    Great choice Heather Back upon its release, and for most of the decade after, this remained a somewhat overrated movie. These days you don’t hear much about it, and its best scenes and lines have fallen into popculture shorthand. I was just thinking back on it not long ago, and wondering Baltimore’s native son Barry Levinson will ever make another drama half as good as this or the later Avalon.

    Similarly, Dustin Hoffman hasn’t been shining as brightly as he once did either, and his chemstry with Cruise in this is one of those things that transforms the whole movie. Great write-up!

    • Heather says:

      Thank you!

      I did love Cruise and Hoffman in it as well, but I was also very fond of Valerie Golino’s performance as well.

  2. Castor says:

    Dustin Hoffman gives a really good performance and possibly one of the best depiction of someone with a mental disorder in a movie. Tom Cruise also gives a noteworthy performance playing the selfish, self-centered brother who transforms to a loving friend who wants to rebuild his relationship with his family. The film has some great comedic relief and overall it’s a simple yet effective story.
    Castor recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      I enjoy it’s simplicity. It’s just two characters throughout and it’s a breath of fresh air. The comedy helps the dramatic moments not stifle the evolution of their relationship.

  3. Univarn says:

    I’ve always had a large soft spot for Rain Man. Something about the sincerity of Hoffman’s performance in conjunction with the Cruise personal journey just works for me (one I have a wee bit of a feeling he could use right now).

    Not to mention Barry Levinson has always been good at blending comedy and drama, even if he’s done so to very mixed results.
    Univarn recently posted..

  4. Dan says:

    I think Dustin Hoffman is great in this movie. He’s so disciplined and it all appears to come so naturally. Whether or not it’s an authentic portrayal of autism, it’s one hell of a compelling performance that does shed some light on a mental disability that most audiences won’t have seen first hand.
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    • Heather says:

      I feel like we’ve lost his strength as an actor over the years. I’d love to see him in a meaty role. He’s one of the most talented we’ve ever had.

  5. moviejunkie says:

    I think this highlights some of Hoffman and Cruises best work. Sure the condition of “Rain Man” is a bit exaggerated and not necessarily an authentic portrayal, but the sweetness he gave Raymond was definitely the best part of the movie, which had a lovely combination of drama and comedy, that one doesn’t get to enjoy too often.

  6. Fitz says:

    It’s a great piece about families. My parents very rarely quote films and they both quote this one.
    Fitz recently posted..

  7. Rachel says:

    Both Cruise and Hoffman are brilliant in this, but I have to give it up to Cruise more (this is the only time I’ll ever say that) because as good as Hoffman was, Cruise showed more growth and change in Charlie.

    One of my favorites of the 80s.
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