5 Responses to “Opening This Weekend – The Social Network, Let Me In, Case 39”

  1. Fitz says:

    I’m seeing both The Social Network and Let Me In.
    Fitz recently posted..

  2. Dan says:

    …Let Me In…surprisingly…is getting good reviews. Think I’ll still wait for rental/TV.
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    • Heather says:

      I know, I’m hoping my plan to see it before Let The Right One In may be fully beneficial to me! It probably won’t be a theater go for myself either though.

      The Social Network I feel obligated to see by way of David Fincher. I’d get in line to see a movie of his about flossing teeth.
      Heather recently posted..Star Wars Saga Headed for 3D Re-Release

  3. Peter E. says:

    good weekend. I think Eisenberg is limited in his range. Curious about Let Me In and seeing how it measures up to the original…

  4. CMrok93 says:

    I love how the press for Case 39, is advertising it as a horror film starring Bradley Cooper. It’s almost like Zelweger has been totally shelved now, poor girl!
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