17 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: Sleepy Hollow (1999)”

  1. kloipy says:

    Sleepy Hollow for me is a movie that doesn’t work as well as it should. I mean it’s filled with stuff I like, the dark muted colors (except for red), the fog creeping in, and so forth. But I just feel like something is missing in it and the movie kind of walks around lost for a bit in the middle.I think Depp can be a great actor but I think his pairing with Burton has way overstayed it’s course. I’m one of the few people who didn’t like Sweeny Todd. I loved him in Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood (Burton’s best movie IMO) but it just seems to be rehashing characters and the same ideas. I thought with Big Fish that Burton had grown more as a director but then he just goes back to the well and made the horrible Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I love the gothic style but Burton needs to add some depth to his creations. We can’t all be brooding 16 year olds for our entire lives.

    • Heather says:

      I think I “appreciated” Sweeney Todd more than I actually liked it. It was well done, good acting, good music, beautiful visuals, but somehow I just didn’t connect with it. I thought maybe it was my disconnect to musicals, but I’m hearing more and more people say they felt the same way as you.

      For me, Sleepy Hollow does lack in many of the places you mentioned, but somehow grows on me more and more with multiple viewings. The enjoyable aspects greatly outweigh some of the disjointed story telling aspects, and the headless horseman is a truly nasty and scary villain.
      Heather recently posted..The Brothers Grimm 2005

  2. Dan says:

    Love that first image. It says a lot about the film – the visuals are fantastic, I love the look of this film. It isn’t my favourite Tim Burton film but it’s definitely one to bring out at Halloween. I find myself agreeing with Kloipy on a few things – there is something missing in the film stopping reaching the heights of Burton’s best efforts. And, I too, didn’t like Sweeney Todd.
    Dan recently posted..Review- Match Point

    • Heather says:

      It’s one of the times where Burton’s magical visual world really sucks you in. You actually absorb what you are looking at rather than feeling like it’s fantastical nature isn’t tangible.

      There are a few things that stop it from being better, but it’s a damn enjoyable flick.
      Heather recently posted..The Brothers Grimm 2005

  3. Castor says:

    It’s a mixed bag that I sort of enjoy. As Kloipy above said, there seems to be a lot of extraneous stuff in the movie that take away from the overall quality of the film. Love the atmosphere and the cinematography but the plot drags on a bit too much, decent Tim Burton movie.
    Castor recently posted..

    • Strangely, I love the plot here…it’s way better than the actual novel and just strikes me as the type of film that shows that Burton can work brilliantly with adaptations (sometimes).
      Encore Entertainment recently posted..Music Break with the Cast of Rent

  4. kloipy says:

    I also think one of Burton’s biggest flaws is that he doesn’t understand humor. This could be attributed to the writers but it’s also shot in such a flat way that most of the time it just doesn’t catch you. He’s too interested in being quirky to really focus on the story or characters.
    kloipy recently posted..But he doesn’t have a… Pumpkinhead!

    • Heather says:

      One thing I do enjoy about Burton is his sense of humor, but I suppose that goes with comedy that is that specific. It’s only going to speak to a certain group of people.

  5. Fitz says:

    It’s just a little too long for its own good, but a great movie to watch on Halloween.
    Fitz recently posted..

  6. Marc says:

    The over developed and too central ‘science’ vs ‘superstition’ aspect takes up way too much screen time in what could have been a much better film. I really like the look of the film, it is one of the more ‘restrained’ Burton films with less of his trademark askew-architecture than his others. But for an R rated film I never got a real sense of danger or risk to the characters involved. If I had not read that it was R rated in the stat line I would have sworn that it was PG-13. I’d be less generous than Heather……1.5 to 2 stars I’d say….

    • Heather says:

      I thought maybe it was the violence or something of the like, but I’m kind of surprised at the “R” rating as well. Especially when you look at what was going on with movies in that year. Not really worthy of it.

  7. Marc says:

    I think this just gets better with time. Great to watch around this time every year and who would have thought Walken would rock a role that is both funny and frightening at the same time?? I guess Burton:)

    Aside from Ricci this was cast to perfection…even lovable old (very old) Chris Lee in the opening scene works fantastically. For me this is one of my standard Halloween flicks. Its a shame that (again) Ray Park does fine martial arts work and gets no credit for his performance:(

    • Heather says:

      Ray Park needs to be honored in cinema. Some of my favorite martial arts performances with no face is Ray Park, and just the stuff he’s choreographed over the years is just incredible. The fluidity of his movement is almost like dance. Beautiful.

  8. rtm says:

    I don’t remember this movie much, I even forgot Walken is the headless horseman! I’m usually not a fan of Burton’s work but I quite enjoy this one.
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    • Heather says:

      This is a movie that makes me feel full on like it’s time for Halloween.

  9. Next to the two flawless Burtons (i.e. Big Fish and Corpse Bride) I think Sleepy Hollow/i> and Sweeney Todd come next. I’ll probably provoke the ire of Depp of fans, but I think this is one of his three best performances.
    Encore Entertainment recently posted..Music Break with the Cast of Rent

  10. Andrew says:

    Sleepy Hollow strikes me as being the film that signaled the loss of Tim Burton, filmmaker, and the introduction of Tim Burton, brand name. At this point in his career, Burton’s just a Planet of the Apes and a Big Fish away from making Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and becoming something of a joke and a hack, a filmmaker who rips himself off over and over again. Being as how Planet was a catastrophe and Big Fish was mixed (if nothing else it wasn’t a huge mover at the box office), maybe it makes sense that Burton chose to celebrate the proclivities so prominent in Sleepy Hollow in all of his later endeavors, and while they work here they just feel so tired in all of his other pictures.

    This is an enormously fun movie and a really great one for the season to boot. Everyone here seems to be running at 100% capacity and then some, from the minor players (like Michael Gambon and Christopher Lee) all the way up to Depp. It’s deliciously violent and grim, and who can say no to a vengeful Christopher Walken (even if he is headless for most of the picture)?
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