7 Responses to “Review: Trick’r Treat (2008)”

  1. Dan says:

    Good review. Haven’t seen this but I may add it to my Halloween night marathon.
    Dan recently posted..Review- Stalag 17

  2. Marc says:

    Boy did this take forever to get released but after the long wait and stellar reviews (which made me jealous) from those who saw it early on, this really lived up to the hype.

    Gotta love a film that tries a different approach to the unstoppable singular slasher variety. Love the interwoven stories (great improvement on the old Creepshow films I think) and the really unexpected turns. Again I’m glad this wasn’t just some trite teenage slasher replete with snore inducing predicitbality. This gives hope for the future horror genre. Also being a Bad Hat Harry production I expected a good level of quality coming from Singer. Solid write up and grade.

  3. Fitz says:

    Kept waiting for this to hit theatres, but it never did. Shame.
    Fitz recently posted..

  4. Kaiderman says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this movie. Like the Creepshows of old!
    Going to talk about it on the LAMBcast next week!
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    • Jim says:

      It is available now on Blu Ray I believe for $7.99 at Amazon. I mean that is a bargain price.

      • John says:

        Excellent tip. I just picked it up. I was pretty impressed by this when I watched it last year. What confounds me is that there have been umpteen Saw movies, yet this movie couldn’t get a theater release.
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  5. Andrew says:

    I had this movie in my DVD player on a pretty regular rotation this time last year. Instant Halloween classic, undeniably. Repeat viewings cooled me on elements of the film– which I won’t speak about here to avoid spoilage– but it still holds up and works gangbusters. Very few contemporary horror films care to really delve into the spirit of Halloween, and of those that do none are as enthusiastic about the holiday as Trick ‘R Treat.

    Happy to see some love given to this flick by the Mobsters.
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