12 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: Poltergeist (1982)”

  1. Alyson says:

    Poltergeist gave me nightmares as a kid and still chills my blood. It’s one of my favorite scary movies. Great review.

  2. rtm says:

    Oh yeah, this is definitely right up there with the scariest horror films. Just looking at that little girl gives me the hibijibis! But the most terrifying movie of all time for me has got to be The Exorcist… even two decades later I still can’t get THAT face out of my head.
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    • Castor says:

      Agreed, I can’t bring myself to watch The Exorcist, I saw about 15 minutes of it when I was a kid, terrified to this day ahah. I actually know a few people who haven’t been able to watch it in its entirety so I don’t feel as much of a chicken ;)
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  3. Univarn says:

    To be honest I first watched this film only because Craig T. Nelson was in it. It’s not one of my favorite horror films, nor one I find overly scary, but I do quite enjoy it. Much in the same way I enjoy The Exorcist. Over the top in a dark comedy sense, but always looking to plant that mental seed that’ll have you double take the next time you pass a child’s room.
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  4. amy says:

    Yay for Poltergeist! Though I must tell you, my aunt refuses to step into a theater or watch any horror film after she saw The Exorcist at the cinemas back in the day. We are still plotting on how to get her there…
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  5. I have never watched this film from start to finish even though I have watched the entire thing numerous times. I don’t have it in my collection so I’m usually catching it when it’s on TV, missing either the beginning or leaving before the end. I do love it but I bet I’d enjoy it even more if I could just watch the whole thing at once!
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  6. Andrew says:

    I stack up the chairs in my home like that all the time. That scene never struck me as terribly frightening. Sentient clown dolls, though, are a different story.

    Great throwback pick. I’ll probably Netflix this on a dark, spooky night this season myself; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, and it might be especially creepy now that I’ve moved into my first home with my fiancee. (The old owners might have built over an ancient Boston Irish burial ground!)
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  7. rtm says:

    Oh, perhaps the second scariest thing I’ve ever seen was The Dolls (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092906/) There is a reason why I never played with dolls as a kid. Gimme stuffed animals or match cars any day.
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  8. Peter E. says:

    I haven’t seen this in years. I will most definitely watch this month. Curious to see how it holds up now that I am 3_ years old. Haha….

  9. Dan says:

    This is one of the scariest films I saw as a teenager. I still think it holds up perfecetly well today. I love its depiction of the supernatural and its funny how much it seems to have inspired the likes of Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State and Most Haunted. Good performances too! Great review Heather!
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  10. John says:

    There are so many scenes from this movie that scared me when I was a kid. The clown scene, the guy’s face peeling off, the tree, etc…

    I recently watched Tobe Hooper’s “Funhouse” for the first time and I had to chuckle to myself when it featured- SURPRISE!- a whole bunch of anthropomorphic creepy dolls and clowns and whatnot. It made me wonder just what Howdy Doody had done to Tobe Hooper as a child.
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  11. Joel Burman says:

    This is probably one of the scariest movie experiences I have had as a kid.
    I find it incredible good to this day.



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