28 Responses to “Halloween Special – Groovers and Mobsters Present: Horror”

  1. amy says:

    Ahhh… great minds think alike, eh? xD

    I must admit, however, I haven’t checked Audition. It’s been on my “to watch” list for at least 6 months… maybe a year. I just… don’t dare. xD I’m a chicken like that.
    amy recently posted..My Top5 Scary Films that I Own

    • Kaiderman says:

      I was terrified to see Auditioon forever and then finally got the balls nto do it and it was nowhere near as bad as it had been built up. It is a far more disturbing film than it is scary or gory. The ending gets a bit crazy but I found it pretty tame compared to a lot of American films.
      Kaiderman recently posted..FILMS YOU DIDN’T KNOW YOU NEEDED TO SEE 666

      • amy says:

        Oh, good to know! xD
        amy recently posted..My Top5 Scary Films that I Own

      • Heather says:

        Disturbing is the general consensus I’ve been given as well, which has perked my interest over time too!
        Heather recently posted..Halloween Special – Groovers and Mobsters Present- Horror

        • Andrew says:

          Audition is one of those rare contemporary horror flicks that aims at your brain stem rather than your stomach and seeks to unsettle you rather than sicken you with unrelenting gore. It has its share of gross-out moments and gut-churning graphic violence but without all of the careful work done on building suspense and developing characters none of that material would really matter.
          Andrew recently posted..Groovers and Mobsters Present- Scary Movies

          • I always say in the long run the disturbing films fare better because psychological trauma can f*** you up for life. Add me to the list of people interested in checking out AUDITION.
            Encore Entertainment recently posted..Short Notes- Wall Street- Money Never Sleeps

  2. Sebastian says:

    K! The name of my blog is now Films From the Supermassive Black Hole. Just pointing that out for future reference. Really like everything everyone else wrote. Great turnout for Halloween if I do say so myself.
    Sebastian recently posted..Groovers and Mobsters Present- Horror

  3. Univarn says:

    Gah, this list serves as a testament to just how few “horror” films I’ve really seen. That doesn’t change the fact that I still think Dawn of the Dead is absolute mint, 28 Days Later is a great character-horror film, and Poltergeist still gives me the willies.

    Great list, I’ll be sure to add some of these to the “Horror movies Uni should eventually get around to seeing list” – which I believe now tops 50000 members.
    Univarn recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      It’s ok, I still haven’t held up my end of watched Seven Samurai yet either!
      Heather recently posted..Halloween Special – Groovers and Mobsters Present- Horror

      • Univarn says:

        A while back I had to do a challenge with CommonSenseMovieReviews in which I watched 2 hammer films and he watched 2 kurosawa films. Didn’t go well, but it was an experience. Perhaps I should start an open event. Where I’ll watch any film someone recommends if they watch, and review, Seven Samurai — or any Kurosawa film for that matter :) (negative reaction or not doesn’t matter, it’s the exposure to classic foreign cinema)
        Univarn recently posted..

  4. Kaiderman says:

    Great collection of films y’all. You all did a great job… and I was totally awesome as usual! ;)
    Kaiderman recently posted..FILMS YOU DIDN’T KNOW YOU NEEDED TO SEE 666

  5. Dan says:

    Great choice from Will. The Changeling is an underrated gem.
    Dan recently posted..10 films for Halloween

  6. Andrew says:

    Great movies here. Especially The Wicker Man. That “At the Cinema” mensch sure knows how to pick ‘em.

    Seriously though, like, a really awesome list of movies. Love that Baby Jane is on here, and I definitely think Audition is legit one of the most fucked-up and disturbing movies of the last couple of decades.
    Andrew recently posted..Groovers and Mobsters Present- Scary Movies

  7. Marc says:

    Glad to be part of this. I really love this series. Heather I know you’re a Poltergeist fan but I haven’t seen it in a while (that Preacher in II scared the crap out of me) I need to give it another go.

    Oh and Andrew…I heard just awful things about The Wicker Man (maybe it was the Cage remake perhaps)…but maybe I’ll give it a shot thanks to your suggestion;)

    This list was very helpful and all around well done. I’ve never seen Audition, Henry or The Changeling so I’m very eager to see those. Great job everyone!!

    • Andrew says:

      The Cage remake is garbage. Conversely anyone who bad mouths the original is not worth knowing. The Wicker Man is a bona fide classic worthy at least of respect if not reverence. Christopher Lee’s presence alone demands a viewing.
      Andrew recently posted..Groovers and Mobsters Present- Scary Movies

    • Castor says:

      I just saw Poltergeist for the first time on Saturday night! Not nearly as scary as I thought it would be but I guess that’s because I’m not 6 anymore ahah
      Castor recently posted..

  8. As it happens, “Audition” is sitting on my DVD player right now. I’m working up the gumption to watch it … some rumblings about it’s torture scenes have me putting off the viewing! Overall, this is a great and ecclectic list
    M. Carter @ the Movies recently posted..Halloween Special — Groovers and Mobsters Present- Horror
