4 Responses to “Trailer Zone: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES”

  1. CMrok93 says:

    Looks so good! It may rely more on scares for with its apocalyptic atmosphere which may actually seem to work. I cannot wait for this to come out!
    CMrok93 recently posted..Life as a House 2001

  2. Rodney says:

    Looks like a really cool mix of ID4, Cloverfield and District 9. I can’t wait to see it. Hopefully it’ll turn out to be nothing like Skyline.

  3. Fitz says:

    I was hoping for more shots of Eckhart, but this will do.
    Fitz recently posted..

  4. FRC Ruben says:

    Invasion movies are the new Zombie movies I guess. Perhaps this will better prepare us to kick some green ass when they show up in 2012
    FRC Ruben recently posted..From Beyond Filthy! But Genuinely Arousing

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