15 Responses to “Review: Skyline (2010)”

  1. Sebastian says:

    Just letting you know, as you are a regular commenter on my site, I changed the URL, and the old one does not redirect. I don’t know how to make it so it does, and I fear it’s too late. So, here’s the URL. If you could find it in yourself to pass it along to others, that would be great. I really, really, REALLY, don’t want to lose all the readers I’ve gotten over the past year. Thanks.


    (This message intended for Heather, but everyone else is more than welcome.)

  2. Rodney says:

    Dang, I was so hoping this would rock. Looks like that trip to the cinema on Friday just changed to see Harry Potter and the Final Flogging.

    • The funny thing is, I’d totally see Skyline over Harry Potter. Skyline may have been a train wreck, but I’ll take it over wizard school hijinks and magic any day.
      Jonathan Sullivan recently posted..Review- Skyline 2010

  3. says:

    Like Rodney I was hoping that this would work out. But, when I checked the reviews over the weekend, they looked pretty dismal. Decided to sit inside instead and watch one of my DVDs which were sure not to disappoint:)

    • For a comparable DVD watch, check out the mish mash insanity of Mortal Kombat Annihilation. They aren’t similar in any way except the fact they are both outlandish and ridiculously bad.
      Jonathan Sullivan recently posted..Review- Skyline 2010

  4. Man, this film sucked ass. Talk about derivative / the lowest common denominator!!! It’s like that just copied and pasted chunks from other Sci Fi flicks and though “THIS WILL DO, LOL”.

    And the ending… don’t get me started!!!
    Paragraph Film Reviews recently posted..Skyline

    • Reminded me of D-9 without the emotional resonance. Or logic.
      Jonathan Sullivan recently posted..Review- Skyline 2010

      • You could say it was like D-9 with a LOBOTOMY!!! HA ha ha ha.

        (I crack myself up)
        Paragraph Film Reviews recently posted..Skyline

  5. Marc says:

    Was no longer impressed or intrigued after that second trailer dropped but still had a bit of hope. Now I think of all the movies I wanted to see but missed this year I feel relieved for not having to sit through this. I mean if everyone is panning it it must be terrible…plus I didn’t really think a movie with Donald Faison in the lead would be a hit:(
    Marc recently posted..Sneak Peek…Green Lantern- Cars 2- Cowboys & Aliens and Pirates 4

    • Don’t always peg everyone panning it as a sign of its horribleness. Critic group mindthink is prevalent and if there’s enough bad press beforehand, people will go in ready to hate it and others will follow suit like lemmings. It’s happened before and will continue to happen, despite what many want to say.

      Skyline does deserve it though in most respects but watching a guy punch an alien in the face until it died was almost worth it.
      Jonathan Sullivan recently posted..Review- Skyline 2010

  6. Castor says:

    This is starting a dangerous pattern though. The crappy, no-budget movie that ends up being a smash hit even with a modest box office because it cost two pennies to make it.

    As for the movie itself, this was obvious to me that it was very Sy-Fy channel looking. The fact that it was withheld from critics is always an ominous sign. No interest in supporting a piece of junk movie.

    • On one side of the spectrum, it’s remakes, adaptations, and sequels. On the other side, super low budget stuff that can easily make its money back quality or not. I’d like more in the middle personally.
      Jonathan Sullivan recently posted..Review- Skyline 2010

  7. Andrew says:

    I was curious so I spoiled myself on this one, and wow am I glad that I didn’t check it out opening weekend. I am looking forward to seeing it for free on Netflix so I can trash it with authority but count me way the fuck out on this cup of stupid.
    Andrew recently posted..Review- Ip Man- 2008- dir Wilson Yip

  8. FRC Ruben says:

    I think it might just be missing a catchy theme song:

    Skyline Skyline
    yeah yeah
    Like ID4 but worse

    hmmmm……should rhyme I think. Somebody call Burt Bacharat
    FRC Ruben recently posted..Signs Part 2 Sympathy for the Alien

    • FRC Ruben says:

      Oh yeah — Eric Balfour — Jessica Biel’s douchey BF in TX Chainsaw Remake.
      FRC Ruben recently posted..Signs Part 1 Dammit!

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