10 Responses to “Movie Review: The Green Hornet (2011)”

  1. Dan says:

    After seeing the trailer I thought this would be rubbish. Can’t say I expected any more than what the review says.
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  2. filmgurl says:

    Interesting review. When I heard Seth Rogen would be in the film, I had a feeling it would be more of a comedy. After I saw the trailer, I thought it may be a film more catered to the fans of the comic book character. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it!

  3. This movie was so disappointing. When I saw the trailer, I was expecting an action movie, not a movie with about two long action sequences and fifty awkwardly long sets of dialogue. Seth Rogen played the same character he plays in every movie and I was really hoping he would step out of that and actually play a superhero.

    Really great review, btw.
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  4. Darren says:

    Well, at least it’s not terrible. Most of the reviews tend to be in the “meh” category. I wonder how much Kickass stole its thunder – this would have seemed the perfect deconstruction last year, but just seems tame now.

  5. Anna says:

    Still want to see it.
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  6. I just saw this one and got exactly what I was expecting, a terrible movie. Rogen is obnoxious and why make a superhero movie about a guy that can’t do anything. He can’t run a paper, he can’t fight, he can’t fix things, hell, he can’t even make his own coffee. He doesn’t ever redeem himself in the film and is probably worse by the end of the movie.

    Even Chou as Kato got annoying. Where I thought he would be the solid ground to Reid’s earthquake like personality, he ends up resorting to the same childish antics that Reid does. What’s with his seemingly light speed fighting ability?? I can accept some over the top stuff but that just seemed ridiculous. I would upgrade the Meh to an Ugh with an eyeroll thrown in for good measure.
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  7. sundryandco says:

    The main impression I came away with after watching the film was “What happened to you, Edward Furlong”! I had seen pictures of him over the last few years and yet he was barely recognisable – I had been waiting curiously for his scene and it still took me a good 15 seconds to click recognise him when he did appear.

    The fact that the above was the highlight of the film…well..it speaks for itself.

  8. Karl says:

    I think Aquaman is the only superhero role i can see rogen as. Lets hope they make Justice League movie and make him (rogen as Aquaman) the butt of everything. maybe we can even get a new wonderwoman or flash movie out of it.

  9. Ross McG says:

    not sure which looks more ‘meh’, this or Green Lantern

  10. Karl says:

    Not a huge Ryan Renyolds fan, and the idea of van wilder weilding the mighty green lantern is pretty disturbing, the green lantern should be amazing.
