8 Responses to “Review: I’m Still Here (2010)”

  1. Dan O. says:

    It was fascinating in some spots, and overall I had an alright time with this. The only problem was that I knew it was all fake, so nothing really kept me into it all. Good Review!

  2. Dan says:

    It struck me as being an interesting exercise while fuelling a great media debate about the film’s true purpose. Joaquin certainly has balls!
    Dan recently posted..Top 10 Werewolf Films

  3. filmgurl says:

    Sounds interesting. I’ve heard some good things about this one. I may check it out, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  4. CMrok93 says:

    It’s a fascinating film with some good spots from Phoenix, but the fact that I already knew this was all fake had me a little bit un-even. But still some good stuff here, even though it could have been way better. Good Review!
    CMrok93 recently posted..Revolutionary Road 2008

  5. Aiden R. says:

    Man, this is just too weird for me to miss out on. Solid review, will definitely be giving it a look one of these days.
    Aiden R. recently posted..La Vie en Rose 2007

  6. Ross McG says:

    boy i just hated this. pretentious wank. all involved forgot it should have been funny. there’s seven million crap youtube videos better than this
    Ross McG recently posted..DVD RvReview- The Social Network

  7. Gail says:

    Didn’t know if it was real or not but great film enjoyed it very much all in all kept me watching and to do a film like that is harder than it looks

  8. Mable Thornton says:

    It struck me as being an interesting exercise while fuelling a great media debate about the film’s true purpose. It’s a fascinating film with some good spots from Phoenix, but the fact that I already knew this was all fake had me a little bit un-even. Good Review!
    Mable Thornton recently posted..Many Cures

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