4 Responses to “Review: Melancholia (2011)”

  1. Xiphos says:

    Shocking a Lars van jerkoff movie that sucks? Color me surprised.

  2. I was properly saddened by this as I love LVT and know he can make a decent picture when he trieds. Gave this 1/10 (only for the SHD scenes at the start / and some good performances).

    As you say above, terrible… just boring, depressing and terrible!
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  3. TheVern says:

    This is a movie I feel will have to see again to get a better understanding of it. I don’t belive that is as pompous as “Armeggedon”. I would compare this to the much better “Deep Impact”. It’s more of a drama about people’s emotional struggle when faced with tragedy. Justine just accepts it, Claire tries to fight it. But their sadness in the end is one and the same.

    Plus You get to see boobs and that’s a good enough reason to check this out.

  4. A movie called Melancholia at Christmas? I think I’ll give this one a miss
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