6 Responses to “Review: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn- Part 1 (2011)”

  1. Xiphos says:

    “Regardless of what Twilight haters have to say about this movie series, the wedding is going to be trend setting for sure and will be potentially more iconic than this year’s failed Kardashian wedding”
    That is how you can tell this was written by a broad it turns into a discussions of weddings and clothes. By the way the fat ass Armenian didn’t even have the most iconic wedding of this year that honor goes to the inbred English one featuring the balding horse face that is the son of a common slattern and his rented ovaries/brood mare.

    “Cue the honeymoon scene. It’s hard to even write about the honeymoon scene. Although incredibly anticipated by 14 year olds and soccer mom’s alike because of its attempt to be romantic and traditional” Romantic and traditional? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA she’s seventeen and he’s like a 100, that is past creepy and into the realm of pedophilia but I guess its alright if Bella(the Smyers surrogate) is getting railled on by the pale gawky boney Englishman because he is a Joseph Smith surrogate. It alright for a Mormon prophet to rape young girls nothing to see here move along.

    “Labor begins for Bella when the baby (who apparently has inherited her father’s superhuman strength) breaks Bella’s spine and several other bones.” If her spine is broken how did she deliver, no spine no way to transmit messages tot he muscles to do their job, was a C section involved or is it magic vampire powers in a human?

    “All this happens while Jacob is busy imprinting on the just born Rensemee Cullen so that she will be forever protected from the murderous wolfpack. In all fairness, the imprint montage (yes, another montage) is a decent attempt to make Jacob’s decision to love a newborn baby less weird and pedophiliac in nature.” UTTER FAILURE and more Mormon pedophilia christ on a crutch these awful books are all about pedophilia. Smyers has serious issues since she is implicitly condoning it in her Mormon propaganda books.

    “I know, Twilight got a little creepy…it is a vampire movie after all.” GOT? its all about child rape it IS creepy from the first letter on the first page to the last letter on the last page, its all Mormon propaganda and child rape yeah! and packaged for fat suburban moms trapped in loveless marriages and their equally fat and more sad daughters.

    “This is where the movie takes a serious turn for disturbing, creepy, and unnecessary.” The books and the movie are all disturbing creepy and unnecessary with all the child rape and what not.

    “viewer beware—there are a LOT of montages in this movie” Ah the montage the refuge for talentless writers and directors who can’t elevated crap to watchable. Truly the mark of the hack and incompetent.

    • Jarv says:

      To be fair Xi, The Royal Wedding, part 1, wasn’t inbred. Kate “Hyacinth Bucket” Middleton isn’t part of the cousin marrying clan. Part 2, Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall was frightening, but luckily they’ll be divorced in a year after what he got up to in NZ.

      “It alright normal for a Mormon prophet to rape young girls nothing to see here move along.” Fixed it for you.

      “If her spine is broken how did she deliver, no spine no way to transmit messages tot he muscles to do their job, was a C section involved or is it magic vampire powers in a human?” Do you actually want to know? Because it’s minging. You’re quite right by the way, she can’t do it due to broken spine.

      “packaged for fat suburban moms trapped in loveless marriages and their equally fat and more sad daughters.” Yup, and you know that when mommy is doing the laundry and finds that stain in her daughter’s pants, she knowingly smiles thinking that it’s perfectly healthy to be playing the pink piano over someone who’s 90 years old (Copywright- The Guardian).

      Aside from that, it’s run of the mill.
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      • Jarv says:

        Hmmm. Why’s that thing appearing at the bottom?

        Sorry. Not link whoring, honest.

      • xiphos says:

        Yeah but Hubby sure as hell is a single chromosome type, that’s why that had to buy her uterus and fresh genes. They also took care of it with slightly less inbred brother #2. He was gotten on the tramp by that polo player that was perpetually in the rut.

  2. I actually started reading the first Twilight book before any of the movies went into production, but quit reading after only a few chapters.

    Am I right in saying the basic premise of the Twilight series is, everyone dies in a shirtless state, while Bella & Edward are together? It seems like a pretty selfish lesson to teach it’s young female audience.

    I think I’ll save this for a date night movie.
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