5 Responses to “Trick ‘r Treat”

  1. Dan O. says:

    What a film to be reviewing for Turkey Day?!? It’s fun, twisted, and pretty cool especially since it is in the spirit of Halloween, but it does feel like another straight-to-dvd flick that got lost. Good review Seth.
    Dan O. recently posted..Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)

    • Seth says:

      Thanks Dan. I liked the movie but wish it could have been much more. I’d love to see more of this type of film within the genre, but nothing has yet to come close to Creepshow for me yet
      Seth recently posted..Trick ‘r Treat

  2. Jarv says:

    Crap film this. But there are plenty worse out there.
    Jarv recently posted..Jarv regrets the night before- Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss.

    • Seth says:

      Jarv- I think it was the disappointment about this movie that got me the most. I looked like it had the perfect premise for what should have been a good film, but just falls way too short.

  3. John Ferrel says:

    Well the movie had some good moments but I didn’t like it 100%
    John Ferrel recently posted..Fixodent Coupons
