4 Responses to “Review: The Woman in the Black (2012)”

  1. xiphos says:

    Sounds good I’ll give it a look when it hits video. Good Review Bart.

  2. sounds like i MAY like it. not sure. funny, a lot of people are mentioning radcliffe being too young for this role.
    Candice Frederick recently posted..

  3. When he’s looking out the window and the thing’s right behind him… WTF!?!?!!?

    Really liked the mood and tension built up, but thought the ending was quite disappointing / predictable / cop-out.
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  4. I have to say it will be hard for me to watch this, without constantly thinking ‘that’s Harry Potter’. While that is my fault, I guess Daniel Radcliffe will have to deal with the Macaulay Culkin syndrome for a while yet.
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