4 Responses to “Alien. Another case of the re-makes?”

  1. hagiblog says:

    Stan Winston was the king of special effects. I don’t understand the need to remake a film that is already great. Take some crappy movie and remake it that way you know it’s gotta work better the second time. Gee, I wonder why Hollywood is complaining about losing so much money. They’re too scared to offer up something new for fear of failure so instead they offer up something old remade that’s a big pile of crap. For every great remake I bet there’s at least 10 failures, or more, when will they get the picture?

  2. Heather says:

    As long as they keep making money unfortunately they’ll keep making garbage.

  3. hagiblog says:

    Why is it that when one movie makes some money they’re able to look passed the 10 that didn’t though? HAHAHA!

  4. Heather says:

    I don’t know. I wonder about that myself. Like all the advertising they are doing for Land Of The Lost. Will Ferrell is funny, but I don’t think this movie is going to do well AT ALL, but they’ll just make another movie with an unoriginal idea just like it next week with Steve Carell instead.
