3 Responses to “Troy (2004)”

  1. ME says:

    Brad Pitt in a loin cloth……that gets five stars from me ….yummy

  2. Steve says:

    What can I say? This is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I realize it’s not the most put together or relevant movie of all time. It’s pretty much stuffed full of as much violence and naked Brad Pitt as can possibly shoved it at any given moment, with a bit of twisted history and hot goddesses. Who am I to complain? Definitely one of my favorites.

  3. Heather says:

    I don’t think it’s necessary to deem this one a guilty pleasure. It’s just a pure and simple pleasure without the guilt. Not all movies have to make some ingenious point or have some mind altering perspectives. Some are just out there to entertain, and that’s what Troy did. For it’s genre it’s by far one of the better and most compelling of it’s kind.

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