3 Responses to “Surviving Christmas (2004)”

  1. Seth says:

    good review Heather, for a terrible film. I think i watched the whole thing, but honestly i can’t remember, which shows how much impact this movie had
    Seth recently posted..Surviving Christmas (2004)

  2. Bartleby says:

    I’m happy to see you take the knives to this one Heather. This was totally lifeless, and sort of cynical in the way it thinks it can just drop the phrase ‘family dysfunction’ and thereby strike some sort of chord.

    Wasn’t there another one to form a trifecta? Four Christmases or something? All of these end up on the naughty list as far as I’m concerned.

    It’s funny because I was prepping a review of Santa’s Slay. Maybe it’s time to just do a series of Christmas movies. The good and the bad.

    In the realm of good ones though, there’s Arthur Christmas, which surprised me in how funny and smart and warm-hearted it ended up being.

    Bill Nighy stole the show. ‘It’s impossible, we will never make it across the world in 40 minutes!’ Bah! In my time they used to think it was impossible to teach women to read!’

  3. It’s a shame really. I’d like to see Christina Applegate find some good roles and not just because I had a crush on her, back in the day lol
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