5 Responses to “25th Hour (2002)”

  1. Cello says:

    Hey Jim?! This movie is in my top 10 of all time. Love, Love, Love this movie. I’ve probably seen it 7 or 8 times and it just gets better and better. Also I’m lovin’ the new theme for the site, I was never a big fan of the previous theme and it looks alot cleaner. Sorry I’m a graphic designer, these things bug me :P

    Keep up the great work guys.

  2. says:

    Cello – I agree this movie is wonderful. So many memorable scenes in this film. Thanks for the feedback on the site. We are still under construction. We are looking for a way to use a magazine style format like many WordPress pages have but are not sure how to do it sine we host the site with them instead of a private vendor. If you have any thoughts we always appreciate constructive tips!

  3. Cello says:

    Well I noticed you said you wanted it to be like other wordpress blogs, just be careful not to become JUST like them, take elements but retain your uniqueness. If you guys ever need a graphic or two done, just holler at me, I’d be glad to lend my photoshop talents.

    This is probably out of the question, but as far as a sleek editorial theme, you might want to check out this one:


    But going by the screenshot there doesn’t seem to be much room for a sidebar. So nevermind, but other then that, you guys seem to know what you’re doing :)

  4. says:

    We are thinking of http://www.darrenhoyt.com/2007/08/05/wordpress-magazine-theme-released/ but are having trouble like I said with the hosting issue since we have never hosted.

    We will definitely keep that offer in mind about your graphic assistance.

  5. CMrok93 says:

    My second favorite film by Spike. He doesn’t over-load this film with numerous amounts of racist themes, instead he lets the story speak for itself, with it being driven by characters. Also, the look of post-9/11 is what sets this apart from plenty of other films.
    CMrok93 recently posted..Do the Right Thing 1989
