3 Responses to “SyFy Weekly: Tin Man (2007)”

  1. Castor says:

    Wow! I thought Zooey Deschanel was turning into a one-trick pony and apparently she is. I will try to catch this movie when I get a chance, it looks intriguing.

  2. Andy says:

    I’m intrigued by you calling this a movie; I saw it on TV a few years ago as a mini series. With the inclusion of commercial breaks it must have been about 6 hours long. If you are calling it a movie was the version you saw edited down to a shorter version? If it was it would probably be a benefit as it was far too long in its original format. I’m glad you pointed out Zoey Deschanel, I founder her really annoying as she often is.

    • Heather says:

      It was considered a mini-series or film. I saw it without the commercial breaks and I think it was four and a half hours or something of the like. You can purchase it here as one film. Because of that it didn’t feel long at all. Alice was just made on SyFy network as well and was very good though a bit darker with an unpredictable romance.

      Zoey is only good if she is playing a character that is just like her, which isn’t acting. She’s charming but any role that is a stretch for her she seems to falter.

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