21 Responses to “Review: The Savages (2007)”

  1. Univarn says:

    I loved Laura Linney in this movie. She was really dynamic, and had such a simple emotional presence. I think she should have gotten more oscar buzz than she did.

    Philip Seymour Hoffman just played the supporting role well as well. Their performances definitely make it worth the journey.
    Univarn recently posted..

    • Castor says:

      I love Laura Linney in any movie!
      Castor recently posted..

  2. It doesn’t thrill me as much as Linney’s other sister/brother pairing but it’s still good even if it’s uncomfortable at times. I fairly good effort from all involved, and almost annoyingly honest.

  3. I felt a bit cheated by this movie as it was marketed as a dark comedy but was definitely more of a grim emotion-fest. Linney was so absolutely hot in this, given her age – definitely out-milfed the SATC girls! Great acting by all involved though.

    Paragraph Film Reviews recently posted..War

    • Heather says:

      Frankly, I’m a big fan of the dark comedy, and I agree with you, there wasn’t anything funny about it.
      Heather recently posted..Review- A Town Called Panic 2009

      • It WASN’T a comedy, I don’t get why it was marketed as such. As you said above, it’s like being a fly on the wall. This is about as funny as Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf…

        …that being said I DID find that to be quite funny…
        Encore Entertainment recently posted..Literature Review

        • Heather says:

          The only way I could imagine someone laughing through this is quite literally, uncomfortable laughter, not hahaha Patrick Bateman just went on a crazy rant about Huey Lewis, or Lester Burnham brought home an 70′s Firebird to piss his wife off, this was serious business, and brutally so.

  4. Joe says:

    Great review! I love this movie! Laura Linney was wonderful in it and should have won the Oscar, although she might not always be my pick though, because I need to rewatch all of the nominees.

    Anyway, great review again!

  5. Branden says:

    I would have never seen this movie if it wasn’t nominated at the Oscars that year.

    I agree with your words about this film. It’s a quiet story about a brother and sister that have to tolerate each other in order to take care of her father.

    Doesn’t Linney character remind you of hers from “You Can Count on Me?” I thought it did.
    Branden recently posted..Inception 2010

    • Heather says:

      I think there are some similarities, but there is certainly variation enough that I wouldn’t specifically note the two as “alike”, but I get your meaning.
      Heather recently posted..Groovers & Mobsters Present- 복수 삼부작 The Vengeance Trilogy

      • I think it’s because we so rarely see a film about brother/sister relationships in detail. Coincidental two of the best star Linney.

  6. I like it. Its a simple story about siblings trying to find the best way to care for their aging father. Its an issue faced by many people in this aging society we live in today. Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman have great chemistry as the siblings. They act and talk like real siblings and were thoroughly believable as they try to navigate through their and differences and disagreements and find a solution that was not only best for their father but for them too, which I thought was pretty honest.

    • Heather says:

      Agreed. The honesty was discomforting because these aren’t qualities about ourselves that we openly want to admit or talk about. It was a fair depiction of the selfishness of human nature, or perhaps American nature. It does seem the most simple things nowadays, to toss our elderly in a nursing home and away with them, but to be fair to the siblings, their lack of relationship with their father anyway made them seem more human and less villainous. I liked that there was no big revelation at the end either. The events changed both of them, but didn’t make them new people.
      Heather recently posted..Groovers & Mobsters Present- 복수 삼부작 The Vengeance Trilogy

      • That was kind of a key thing. Them changing would have made the entire film a bit silly.

  7. Yeah… Laura Linney is one of the most underrated working actresses. She’s been turning in solid work for the past 8 years or so. I’m kind of bummed to see her take on a series cuz we won’t get as many movie roles from her.’
    As far as The Savages, good not fantastic. It was the performances that carried it but they didn’t have much to carry.
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..Groovers & Mobsters Present- 복수 삼부작 The Vengeance Trilogy

  8. James Ewing says:

    For some reason, this film never gripped me. I was never interested in the characters or caught up in their conflicts. I don’t know if that makes it a bad film, but it made it an alienating film for me and one I could never get a good hold of.
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