5 Responses to ““Dear John” Trailer”

  1. Castor says:

    It’s funny that you post this. I have a free advanced screening for this movie tomorrow night. Am I going? ummm no lol

    • Heather says:

      I don’t blame, as I stated above I’m certain that I’m glutton for punishment. However, I’ve secured a Lady date and am now obligated. If it’s awful I truly hope I can refrain from snickering in the crowd, but I promise to go without judgement. Once I sit down…………until then I will mock and snicker still.

  2. Caz says:

    I’ve watched the trailer a few times now and keep trying to figure out how this is going to be tragic at the end. We all know how Nicholas Sparks Novels/films go.

    • Heather says:

      And there’s kissing in the rain. Someone is going to die. You are right.

      • Caz says:

        Yes they love the kissing in the rain scenes in those films!
