14 Responses to “Top Ten Films Adapted To Shows”

  1. Jeff says:

    Beetlejuice! I loved that cartoon! I had forgot all about it, time to go look for it on youtube!

    • Heather says:

      It’s a classic!

  2. Castor says:

    I must say, I didn’t know Buffy was adapted from a movie! I’m not much of a TV watcher anymore but I used to really enjoy Highlander, Stargate and Lois and Clark. Ah nostalgia… Great list Heather!

    • Heather says:

      Yeah! The movie with Kristy Swanson, Luke Perry, and Donald Sutherland. Super cheesy, but a lot of fun.

      As always, thank you Castor. :)

  3. Rob says:

    Totally forgot about the Beetlejuice cartoon, it was awesome! i totally agree with most of this list, but SG-1 was the only decent stargate show, (all because of macguyver)

    and Castor, who could forget that cheesy as hell Buffy movie with Kristy Swanson, Luke Perry, Paul Ruebens, Donald Sutherland, and David Arquette?

    • Heather says:

      Atlantis was awesome by the time it hit it’s second season, though I did feel like it ended at the right time, and Universe so far is very impressive. But none are as great as the original foursome of SG-1. And Richard Dean Anderson is definitely the man!

  4. Andy says:

    I didn’t watch: Clerks, The Clone Wars, The Magnificent Seven, Beetlejuice, Lois and Clark or Stargate. I saw some of Highlander and remember it to be okay. M*A*S*H was very different from the movie but was a great show. I really liked Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, it was far better than the third and fourth movies in the franchise and really deserved at least one more season. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is a great top pick, really good show based on a really bad movie.

    • Heather says:

      The Clone Wars is still on, and like I said, if you can’t get enough Star Wars (I even read some of the awful novels-OK-ALL of them) then this is a fun and superficial show to indulge in.

      I’m still just ridiculously bitter about TSSC’s being canceled, especially with the cliffhanger the show was left at. It deserved the final season or even a half season to wrap things up. Clearly the writers and creators were actually fans of the Terminator series as it was done with love and attention to detail. Any reminder of it or seeing the incredible Lean Headey on anything reminds me of a great series that I will never see concluded.

      I’m there with you on Buffy. Still one of the best written, most fun, and most interesting character study ever on the tele. It’s a great testament to Joss Whedon (who we already know is a genius) to make such a well loved show that lasted seven seasons that revolved around high school and vampires. Who knew?

  5. Dreher Bear says:

    Wait? Where’s the love for My Big Fat Greek Life!?! (i kid, i kid hahaha)

    • Heather says:

      I gasped……….and then I finished reading. Thank goodness! lol

  6. Kaiderman says:

    These are all good picks but MASH has to be #1, right? I didn’t think of it when I saw you’re topic but it is one of the most successful TV shows of all time, after all!
    Let me also throw “Cop Rock” out there. Not because it was based on a movie. More just because I like to remind people that it was something that actually happened!!! :)

    • Heather says:

      I did the best I could with MASH. I never liked it myself, but I felt like I gave it it’s due respect by putting it in the Top Five, I can’t budge anymore than that, but I do see where you’re coming from. :)

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  8. In all fairness, Superman is a bit of a cheat as it was adapted from a comic book!
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