6 Responses to “Monster Madness: Creature #23”

  1. OM NOM NOM NOM comes to mind! What’s the inspiration behind those things anyway. Kinda looks like when the head grows legs in The Thing and a jellyfish mixed together.

    • Heather says:

      I have nothing to add, just repetitive laughter!

  2. Castor says:

    I love those. I call them headcrabs from the game Half Life where they would jump in your face out of nowhere. They took it one step further with people who got facehugged becoming zombies!!! Awesome beast.

    • Heather says:

      They are so simple, yet so creepy!

      Facehuggers for life!

  3. Marc says:

    Don’t forget these baddies were in the dreadful AVP movies:(

    Great topic for the post Heather. What offsets the creepiness of the face huggers is that sweet scene where Hicks and Hudson rescue Ripley with their pulse rifles a blazin’!! Great now I gotta watch this tonight:)

    Lastly, just a small heads up, the Ripley figure is a Kubrick. Very popular figurines from Japan. http://www.kubrickfigures.info/category/43590316681/1/Alien-Kubrick-Figures.htm.
    You know, just in case the toy police come a knockin:)

    • Heather says:

      Uggh. I try not to acknowledge the existence of those awful AVP movies, but what can I do?

      Thanks for the comment, ALIENS is my favorite movie of all time.

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