13 Responses to “Legion (2010) – Heather’s Take”

  1. Andy says:

    It was a good fun movie. It was dumb and stupid but it was fun and that’s about as much as you can ask for a movie of this type. I know what you mean about the baby. The Christmas setting set the story up as “the second coming” but then never explored it. Interesting you mention Paul Bettany as a “worthy option for future action movies”, not sure if you know but he already has the action/vampire/comic book movie “Priest” in the can. He plays a vampire killing priest, it is also directed by Legion director Scott Stewart.

    My review is here: http://wp.me/prVbF-12Q

    • Heather says:

      It was dumb and stupid, and the genre isn’t particularly my bag, but I was entertained and I didn’t even expect that to be delivered.

      I had no idea about Paul Bettany, but I’m pretty excited now. He was really charismatic and did a lot with his role when there really wasn’t a ton to do. Off to read your review now!

  2. If I didn’t watch two really bad straight to DVD action movies, Legion would probably end up being the worst movie of the year. The dialogue, the incomprehensibly…I was pumped because it looked interesting, but they didn’t connect with anything. Then again, with a cast like that (save for Bettany, who could do better), to expect anything better than this was probably a bad idea.

    • Andy says:

      I have already seen five worst films (at the cinema) this year: From Paris with Love, The Lovely Bones, Ninja Assassin, Edge of Darkness and The Wolfman.

      • Heather says:

        I didn’t hate Ninja Assassin. I had fun with it’s cheese, but that lead actress was an effing nightmare.

        • Andy says:

          Naomie Harris is normally really good, she was great in 28 Days Later. The really bad acting was Ben Miles, even if he did a better job I would still laugh at him trying to do a serious role as I know him as a TV sitcom actor.

          And by the way the film was beyond bad!

      • Edge of Darkness wasn’t that bad, it was just super forgettable and had the worst Massachusetts accent of any movie I have ever seen (I may be a TX resident now, but I spent over a decade in MA so I can say that).

  3. Sounds like a good Sunday afternoon mindless action flick. I’ve been interested in seeing it and I’m sure I’ll get around to it.

    • Heather says:

      You are actually someone I would recommend this one to. Nothing fancy or schmancy about it, but you would probably be disappointed in the lack of gore.

  4. Castor says:

    Well, I will check out the DVD! The trailer looked a bit too run-of-the-mill. I actually had a free advance screening for this but decided not to waste my time lol

    • Heather says:

      It is pretty run of the mill but it has a few saving graces that make it a little more interesting than your simple and forgetful action/horror flick.

  5. Did you catch this at the cheap theater? It’s not out on DVD yet… my wife is religious and she doesn’t even want me bringing this flick into our house but a film fan must do what a film fan must do!

  6. i saw this film but i dont recommend. let say 3 points :(
