13 Responses to “Review: Death at a Funeral (2010)”

  1. Jim says:

    I had a feeling that most of the funny moments were in the trailer. I feel as though I have seen everything I care to with this movie just from that.

    • Heather says:

      That is what I was concerned about too. A lot of comedies do that and fail nowadays. It’s a shame.

    • I disagreed with that, and in fact, the jokes in the trailer almost stopped me from watching this. Those ARE NOT the funniest moments whatsoever, and don’t let that dissuade you.

      • Heather says:

        I believe you Jonathan. I’ve had a few people tell me now that the funniest parts weren’t in the trailers.

  2. Andy says:

    I hadn’t heard of the original until The Mad Hatter recommended it. I really liked it but the trailer for this remake just doesn’t look funny.

  3. Wait, so Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock and Martin Lawrence are all in the same movie. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

    I absolutely hate all 3 of those guys and just can’t stand watching them at all. I’m having serious flashbacks of Cop Out now so I need a Tylenol.

    • I’m not the biggest fan of those three actors myself, but it actually kind of works, even if they don’t seem able to dial themselves down well enough. Martin Lawrence even managed to be alright, although his little karate chop motion is the least funniest thing in the whole movie.

  4. CMrok93 says:

    The British original was a black comedy, while this one is a BLACK comedy. It looked good from its trailer, but now it doesn’t seem like anything I want to see.

  5. Red says:

    I’m a pretty big fan of Oz’s version, and one of those outraged that a remake has already been made. Still haven’t decided whether I am going to give this one a try or not.

  6. just the mere look of Chris Rock would give you laughs already `

  7. oh well, chris rock is damn funny. i like his corny jokes and stuffs *“

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  9. Sherry K says:

    Nothing can compare to the original Brit version…
