26 Responses to “50 Greatest Movie Villians: 50-40”

  1. Red says:

    Great list so far! Pretty hard to pick out favorites from this group. I was tickled with excitement to see The Black Knight on here.

    Nurse Ratched is probably the best villian who did so little. She could just stare at you and evil would pulsate from her eyes. It still amazes me how groundbreaking that movie was. Not only the storytelling and acting, but how it was a first feature film for alot of its actors.

    And couldn’t agree more about Scar. Jeremy Irons was perfect for that role. I’m with ya on how Disney hasn’t had a villain on the level of Scar since then. When did they start being afraid of making their movies (somewhat) dark and with depth? I realize it’s animation, but unless it’s Pixar, most of the best animations have flourished because of well done villains and tragedies. I miss the days of having Scar and Jafar taking over movies.

    • Heather says:

      Thanks Red.

      I’m still depressed with the direction Disney has taken. It once was magical and powerful, and now is just another animated business.

      I’m a sucker for Monty Python. It wouldn’t be right not to have the Black Knight.

  2. Castor says:

    Love to see Scar in your top 50. It was and still is so uncommon to see such an evil villain in a Disney movie. I’m also looking forward to seeing Gordon Gekko again in Wall Street 2. Great list Heather.

    Looking forward to the top 40!

    • Heather says:

      Thanks Castor.

      I’m so happy to see Scar getting all this love. But……he does deserve it.

  3. Fitz says:

    This must be a very evil list if Scar is only #40.

    • Heather says:

      I intend to get as evil I can Fitz!

  4. Go go was one of the best parts of Kill Bill, in my opinion. Glad to see she made it.

    • Heather says:

      She may have had a small role, but certainly one of my most memorable when it comes to Bad Guys. If I was evil, I’d aim to be her.

  5. Aiden R. says:

    Good lord, that’s an awesome list so far. Go-Go? Great call! Lookin’ forward to the rest of ‘em. That Nurse Ratched was SUCH a bitch, too.

    • Heather says:

      Ratched was so subtle about her evil, and her portrayal was done with such realism, that she probably scared all the crazies sane that watched Cuckoos Nest just so they wouldn’t run into a crazy biznatch like her.

  6. The Black Knight and the Headless Horseman? YES and YES. My love of Mel Brooks makes me hope that the Sheriff of Rottingham might get a spot on here, but that’s wishful thinking!

    I can’t wait to see who else you picked, and I’d love it if Gene Hackman (as Little Bill Daggett in “Unforgiven”) or maybe Casanova Frankenstein (“Mystery Men”) showed up for the party.

    • Heather says:

      By the stars, I forgot about the Sheriff Of Rottingham. Men In Tights is by far my favorite Mel Brooks flick.

      I hope I can live up to your anticipation!

  7. moviejunkie says:

    What is the deal with all the LEGO photos lately?

    Either way, I’ve always kinda dug Mola Ram, and even more so feared Nurse Ratched. She’s one evil bitch.

    • Heather says:

      I’m obsessed with LEGO, and I think it’s fun that it’s embracing the art of cinema to it’s goodness!

  8. I second the thought that this list must be EVIL if Scar is so low. FYI, though, I liked Scar. Sure he’s all evil and everything but I COMPLETELY get his motivations, and he’s sort of sad in that way.

    And can I just echo Ms. Close when she says Alex is NOT a villain! Damn, I was rooting for her all the way. She she popped up from the bathtub I was cheering.

    Okay, I think I’ll go sit in the corner and ponder my weirdness…

    • Heather says:

      You know, maybe that’s what makes Scar so terrifying in the first place. He has real life motives, and his character isn’t all superficially evil like Ursula or Jafar (even though they both are still scary as shat!), and I totally see what you are saying about him being sad.

      Alex on the other hand was bonkers. A small amount of sympathy until she went there with the rabbits. She was batshit crazy.

  9. Liking this list but need to see the TOP 40 to make a good comment here. LOVE Mola Ram and Go-Go… could do without the Headless Horseman and Black Knight… and Nurse Ratchet is a TOP 10, no??? I’m intrigued!

    • Heather says:

      There are some goodies and surprises to come. I’ll do my best not to let you guys down Kai!

  10. Cello says:

    Nice, I expect No Country for Old Men, The Shining and the Horror greats like Pinhead, Freddy and Leatherface on here. Can’t wait!

    • Heather says:

      You’ll get some of your mentions I’m sure of that Cello, but don’t expect it to be too typical a list!!!!!!!!!!

  11. says:

    That child catcher gave me nightmares for years, actually looking at him now, he still does!

    • Heather says:

      I used to hear in my head, “I can smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell them”. Even now his character is pretty unnerving.

  12. Marc says:

    Not sure I would classify The Black Knight as a villain…or Gecko for that matter. Sure Gordon is as slimy as they come but I think he falls far from being titles a “villain”. Great calls on Scar, and Nurse Ratched:)

    • Heather says:

      The Black Knight is surely a villain! Just a funny as hell one! I can see the argument for Gecko though. :)

  13. jack mung says:

    how in the HELL is frank booth not on this list? thats absurd

  14. Scott Ford says:

    I think they should have put the villain ManBat in the top 50.
