9 Responses to “Review: Cyrus (2010)”

  1. filmgurl says:

    I’ve been contemplating seeing this film or just waiting for it to go on DVD. I heard it has a lot of talking, though it does seem a bit like a drama type of movie with a bit of comedy. I enjoyed the review, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    • Jim says:

      Yes, it is a decent movie but if I had to do over again I would wait for DVD.

    • James Ewing says:

      I’d recommend waiting for the DVD as well. It’s not a film that demands a theater experience and definitely isn’t a must see.
      James Ewing recently posted..Despicable Me 2010

  2. James Ewing says:

    I didn’t find the comedy elements all that funny. Instead, I saw the film as more of an engaging drama. However, that opening party sequence was painfully wrong and I wasn’t sure what tone it was going for.

    I still prefer Dan in Real Life over this, but Cyrus was still a solid drama that had its share of powerful and poignant moments.
    James Ewing recently posted..Despicable Me 2010

  3. I’m so tired of Marisa Tomei supporting (albeit excellently). I just want her to get the spotlight in a film for once.

  4. I think it was certainly a good role for both Reiley and Hill. And I love Marisa Tomei. Not the best movie, had some slow parts, but it mixed drama and comedy really well IMO
    Travis McCollum recently posted..

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