6 Responses to “Review: A Town Called Panic (2009)”

  1. Bartleby says:

    Good review Jon.

    You know, I’d go a little bit further and actually give this film a 3. It was wacky and zany, and resembled a kind of Gumby on acid, but I appreciated the fact it relied upon its imagination without making the content ‘adult’ or too darkly absurd.

    Speaking as someone who grew up on H.R. Puffnstuff, I tend to think that cinematic hallucinatory goodness shouldn’t just be for adults.

    Yes, the subtitles are there, but film isn’t terribly full of dialogue. A somewhat older child might even have a vocabulary building experience reading it.

    Think of it as training wheels for weird foreign film consumption.
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    • The whole time I was watching this, I was waiting for the Blockheads to show up then Gumby and Pokey in hot pursuit as they chased each other into different books/worlds. Totally got the same vibe.

      I had no issue with the subtitles, other than sometimes it distracted me from the madness happening on screen. I just always feel like I should let potential readers know this; I have heard “YOU MEAN I HAVE TO READ IT TOO?!?” too many times from working the box office at a movie theater to not consider that a potential thought. I’m surprised they didn’t dub it though; especially since the mouths don’t move, it would have been an easy process.

      I maintain my 2.5 though. It’s crazy and fun, sure, but I think it went just a touch overboard for my tastes.

  2. Alex says:

    Ah I looove this film and I’m so glad it’s finally out on DVD so more people can see it (its theater run basically consisted of one print that traveled city to city for one-week engagements). I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but I think anyone could appreciate the level of imagination and childlike joy that went into making it. Personally I’ve found it benefits from multiple viewings for some of the wacky background bits and fast dialogue.
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  3. That opening paragraph makes me want to see this. Sounds interesting, but the name really is a good one.

  4. This one is an odd one to critique for me. It’s fun and zany and childlike but I agree it did go overboard a bit. But it was still fun. Good review.
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