18 Responses to “Trailer Zone: Danny Boyle’s ’127 Hours’”

  1. FRC Ruben says:

    Yup, that’s a winner
    FRC Ruben recently posted..500 Days of Summer On Goddesses and Weenies

  2. Jim says:

    I agree, since watching at posting last night I have not been able to get that situation out of my mind. Knowing that this really happened also adds to the heightened tension.

  3. Fitz says:

    Second gold man for Boyle?
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Jim says:

      Yes I think that is a strong possibility!

  4. Peter E. says:

    looks like a good one. Getting lots o’ Oscar buzz so far…and so is Franco for a leading actor nom.

    • Heather says:

      Franco is hit and miss with me. Some days I really dig the dude, and others he is just 100% forgettable.

      • Franco has never really done excellent with me, he seems like a nice guy so I’m still holding out for him, but I’m surprised when people seem to LOVE him.
        Encore Entertainment recently posted..Movie Meme- Day 30- Saddest Death Scene

        • Jim says:

          I think a lot of it has to do with him being a part of Freaks & Geeks. He is able to carry both funny and serious films showing his great range.

  5. Steve says:

    Could be a tough one to watch. If anyone can handle making a movie about a guy being trapped by a boulder for 5 days, it’s Danny Boyle.
    Steve recently posted..Unbreakable 2000

    • Jim says:

      I think that what we saw is not the half of how difficult it is going to be to watch. If you know aspects about the true story there will be some fairly disturbing imagery to witness.

  6. Heather says:

    Okay, my claustrophobia is already setting in.

    • Jim says:

      Hell yeah, check out the trailer for Buried with Ryan Reynolds and you will feel ever more claustrophobic.

      • Fitz says:

        Double feature perhaps? I imagine your nerves would be wrecked after that though.
        Fitz recently posted..

        • Heather says:

          No kidding! That’s just evil! ha.

  7. CMrok93 says:

    It looks good, but the trailer makes it look so cheap, and although Boyle can direct anything the right away, a dude trapped under a rock for more than 5 days, is kind of stretch.
    CMrok93 recently posted..Cabin Fever 2003

    • Jim says:

      I see where you are coming from but the film to me looks like it is beautifully shot. Boyle seems to be going for a natural approach with the lighting and the shakiness of the camera to make it feel as though we are watching a personal journey on home video.

  8. Peter E. says:

    Great last shot in this trailer too. makes you gasp for air…

  9. I’m a big Boyle fan. Not a huge Franco fan though so wasn’t too excited about this but the trailer sold me!!!
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