4 Responses to “DVD Review: Repo Men (2010)”

  1. Castor says:

    The terrible reviews turned me away from trying to see this but if it has your thumb of approval, I will give it a shot. I usually enjoy these futuristic sci-fi movies.
    Castor recently posted..

  2. Tom Brown says:

    Thanks for the review!
    I got this on blu-Ray the other day.
    I knew what I was getting into, given the relatively negative reviews, but then again, everybody needs a mindless movie every now and again.
    I was going to review it on my aswell when I see it, then I can compare reviews.
    I’m glad it got your approval though :D
    Tom Brown recently posted..Movie Review- Fanboys

  3. Jim says:

    I was planning on seeing this in theaters, but just like Castor was turned off by critic reviews. I should remember my own motto of seeing whatever I want to see. This does look decent and I like Forrest Whittaker. Did any of you see his performance in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai? Great movie for fans of him by the way. I loved him in Last King of Scotland too. Jude Law actually often gets on my nerves but I think this is a film that I will like him in aside from Sherlock Holmes.

  4. Lucius Ehmer says:

    Great stuff chosen here
