6 Responses to “News: Dwayne Johnson Journeying to the Center of the Earth In Sequel”

  1. FRC Ruben says:

    Sounds like a very sexy prospect
    FRC Ruben recently posted..Famous Last Words Big Trouble in Little China

    • Jim says:

      I am excited for this more because of Josh Hutcherson.

  2. Fitz says:

    I fell asleep with the Fraser version and I hope that Johnson can do better.
    Fitz recently posted..

  3. Peter E. says:

    What has happened to poor Brendan Fraser??? Yes, Mr. Johnson has been focusing a lot on more “wholesome” entertainment with a number of family-oriented films. A DVD rental, perhaps….

  4. Heather says:

    The one including Brendan Fraser was utter shit, and Fraser was charming and interesting as hell and it was still that boring. Dwayne is still The Rock, I don’t care what he says. If he’s going to dress up as The Tooth Fairy in films, I’m only going to take his career so seriously.

  5. Univarn says:

    Sounds super. Let’s take a horrible film, make a sequel to it. Get a dwindling star. Bring back the weakest actor from the original. See if we can sell the rights on eBay. Bake some cookies. And tell people it’s in 3D.

    Right, the original did “well” because of the 3D gimmick. 3D is no longer a gimmick, it’s a gimme. If the movie does over $50m I’d be shocked. Especially since we probably won’t see it for 2 years (unless it gets the speed treatment).
    Univarn recently posted..



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