8 Responses to “Review: Going the Distance (2010)”

  1. moviejunkie says:

    Anything with Drew Barrymore makes me cringe, but Christina Applegate might make this worth sitting through, but not until DVD.

  2. Jim Gaffigan, I’m in! Actually, I like Drew Barrymore as well so that will help. I’m pretty sure I could throw this one on and enjoy it, especially if my buddy is around. He’s obsessed with rom-com lately! HAHA!
    The Film Reel recently posted..TIFF 2010 – Let Me In – Film Reel Reviews

  3. Dan says:

    Although it isn’t my cup of tea, Drew Barrymore always brings a little something extra to these films. And Justin Long is funny when given the right material.
    Dan recently posted..Review- Duel

  4. Colleeng says:

    Great review! I just saw it a couple of weeks ago. Charlie Day totally made this movie for me! I also appreciated the “potty mouths.” I talk like that and I liked my demographic (not age but people who cuss regularly) being represented. With the crap I’ve seen lately, I didn’t mind paying full price for this one!
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  5. Andrew says:

    It’s Long, Gaffigan, and Day that made me want to see this in the first place. All the praise I’m reading of it just makes me want to see it more. Guess I’ll have to check it out.

  6. Peter E. says:

    Haha, this is a great write-up. I thought it would be a semi decent rom-com, even with Barrymore in it. The trailer made it look…well, not so bad. A good rental I am sure.

  7. Caz says:

    Good review! It really was a funny film, you summed it up great.
    Caz recently posted..Going the Distance 2010 Review

  8. says:

    Good review! However, I thought this movie was just ok. I definitely agree on the chemistry between Long/Barrymore. But I thought some of the jokes were a bit forced. Charlie Day picked the whole thing up though and made it quasi-decent.
