11 Responses to “Trailer Zone: ‘The Fighter’”

  1. Castor says:

    Really looking forward to this movie with Bale and Adams being two of my favorite actors. Maybe, Christian Bale will finally get his Oscar nod as he is well overdue.
    Castor recently posted..

    • Jim says:

      That is the same feeling I had. I see a supporting actor nomination for Bale.

  2. Sebastian says:

    Christian Bale is the most masochistic actor EVER! But that also makes him the most badass! Wasn’t he just buff and such for Terminator not a year ago? And now he’s looks sickly and such! He better get an Oscar nom! Seriously, with dedication like that?

    Movie looks a Rocky knock off, albeit a good one!
    Sebastian recently posted..With Apologies to John Lennon

    • Peter E. says:

      I’m not sure about the Rocky knock-off….nothing can compare to that classic. Perhaps because it is in the same realm of boxing? I’m sure this will stand apart and on its own…

      • Heather says:

        I think it’s just that underdog unexpected goes for the win and uplighting rah rah rah type feel while also being a boxing flick that’s garnering the comparison.
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  3. Peter E. says:

    I’ve had this one circled on the calendar for a while. Should be a good one. Can’t wait…

  4. Dan says:

    Really looking forward to The Fighter – looks quality and love the cast.
    Dan recently posted..10 reasons Jaws might be the best film ever made

  5. Heather says:

    This is a role perfect for Wahlberg, and while the story looks somewhat generic, it seems the performances would be well worth sitting through a viewing for. I’m a big fan of the entire cast.
    Heather recently posted..Pictures From The Set Of JJ Abrams ‘Super 8′

  6. Heather says:

    And Bale looks extremely thin in it as well. What’s the deal on that? Or is it just because he’s next to the uber buff Wahlberg?

  7. Kaiderman says:

    If Bale is doing a squirelly role, I’m in! The trailer isn’t that great but based on Bale’s look and the names that have been attached to this film the last few years, there must be something good going on!
    Kaiderman recently posted..TVIFF- WRAP-UP

  8. Looking forward to The Fighter. For some reason, when I watch this trailer I automatically think of “Mark Wahlberg talks to animals” from Saturday Night Live..am I the only one?

    (here is a link to the clip: http://www.hulu.com/watch/37753/saturday-night-live-mark-wahlberg-talks-to-animals )
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