5 Responses to “Review: Easy A (2010)”

  1. Castor says:

    I didn’t read more than the first paragraph (yet) but I’m looking forward to see this tomorrow! I will let you guys know what I think afterward ;)
    Castor recently posted..

    • Jim says:

      Can’t wait to see this. I haven’t read your full review either, but I hear Tucci & Clarkson are fabulous.

      • Castor says:

        Clarkson and Tucci are absolutely awesome in this movie. Emma Stone is a star in the making. Now the movie itself is pleasant enough but I found it rather unfocused and didn’t like the webcam confession framing.
        Castor recently posted..

  2. Heather says:

    I read the whole thing, it didn’t give anything away (as usually shouldn’t), but it was a great indicator of what the film succeeded at, and I was pretty blown away by some of the comparisons you made to Heathers and Clueless. If it’s truly in that capacity, I’m going to back it to the big screen on this one.
    Heather recently posted..Pictures From The Set Of JJ Abrams ‘Super 8′

  3. Peter E. says:

    Excellent! I’m definitely excited to see this and yes, it does look like a smart comedy from the trailer I saw. Nice write up. Can’t wait to see.

Review: Devil (2010) »