4 Responses to “Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’Hoole (2010)”

  1. Castor says:

    Interesting, I had no idea this was more of an adult animation with dark overtones. The title always gives me a laugh, not sure why they had to make it that long. In any case, I doubt I will ever see this although learning that it’s dark tale for adults has made it a bit more appealing than I initially expected.
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  2. Jim says:

    This is for both kids and adults in my opinion. The action sequences are perfectly suited for even young kids in my opinion. Even though I have been watching R rated movies since I was younger than a teen so I am a little jaded. I loved this movies special effects, action sequences, voice work and all around thought it deserved at least a solid 3. The special effects and 3D warranted that alone in my opinion. The voice work is great, far superior than any other animated movie I have seen in a long while.

    I also think that it reminded me of The Secret of Nimh, one of my favorite films from my youth.

    • Heather says:

      The action and violence isn’t the problem, it’s the maturity of the content and the manner in which it’s presented. My seven year old may have been totally into this, but I’d say an audience of 5 or under would get bored during a lot of the narrative parts.

      It’s visual canopy was incredible, and probably even more enhanced by the 3D which I didn’t see it in.

  3. rtm says:

    WOW, the VO talents are a amazing, a great mix of British and Aussie actors, very impressive! I wasn’t as excited to see this as the Dragon movie but I’m more curious about this now. Glad to hear it’s more than just a visual feast, which is expected coming from Snyder.
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