9 Responses to “Review: It’s Kind Of A Funny Story (2010)”

  1. Simon/Ripley says:

    I’m glad it doesn’t suck, because the book was my favorite until I read John Dies at the End, and while I knew from the start they’d change the girl’s scars (from face to wrists), I was worried they’d completely water it down.
    Simon/Ripley recently posted..Thoughts on Titus

    • She’s still got scars on her face, but outside of that, I can’t compare the novel to the movie because I haven’t read it. Novels scare me.

  2. Univarn says:

    Great review, though the trailer had me more than worried that it would be long winded, and a bit dramatically stretched, but I’m glad to hear there’s a bit more to it than antics and the usual mental institution drawl (which has been repeated so much I think we could name most of them by heart).
    Univarn recently posted..

    • It has some dicey moments most definitely (involving Zoe Kravitz’ character and Craig’s lust for her), but overall, I appreciated the visual look and the feeling it gave me. I’ve heard it rips on One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest but I wouldn’t know because I’m a bad film critic and have never seen it.

      • Univarn says:

        If I ever get around to see it, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for at OFOTCN is one of my all time favorite films. Though it seems to me most teenage comedies involve at least one “lust” character.
        Univarn recently posted..

  3. Red says:

    A reassuring review, now if only the movie would get released here…

  4. Fitz says:

    I hadn’t heard anything good until now. It’s playing in Reno and if Buried doesn’t play then I’ll give it a look-see.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Yeah, the reviews seem to have been mixed and some reviewers have taken offense to its lighthearted portrayal of teen depression. Not everything has to be dark, you know? Plus, it has a pretty decent message and it doesn’t necessarily get tied up in a perfect knot by the end, which I appreciated.

  5. Logan says:

    Bobby kills himself instead of leaving the hospital.

    Everyone needs to go rewatch the last 20 minutes of the movie.

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