4 Responses to “The Dark Knight (2008)”

  1. Jeff Lloyd says:

    Brilliant Heather!

  2. Mr Fiji says:

    I kept hearing how great this movie was and all this hype, but i was skeptical casue most of the batman movies were decent nothing that was just amazing. To my surpirse this was one of the best movies I think I have ever seen. There are only two things I can think off the top of my head that was dispointing and that was the fact Scarecrow was only given about 2-3 mins of screen time and played such a small part and Batmans voice but i quickly got over that. Heather is right about this go see it now (in Imax or ultra screen for added pleasure) it will blow you away there is no excuse to ever advoid this movie.

  3. Heather says:

    I agree about the Scarecrow, though I can’t see where hey actually could have wrote him in anywhere more without already affecting the plot and pacing, and certainly the timeframe which was already considerably lengthy. Thanks for the comment Fiji and Jeffrey!

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