28 Responses to “Review: The Strangers (2008)”

  1. Castor says:

    Wow haven’t heard about this movie but your review so makes me want to see it even though I usually avoid watching horror movies. Most horror movies are just so basically ridiculous and stupid so I’m glad to hear this one of the smarter one :) Netflixed!
    Castor recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      It’s been quiet and it played one night on HBO or something when I had it. The kids were in bed and the husband was on a mandate. I was pretty freaked out.
      Heather recently posted..Throwback Tuesday- Poltergeist 1982

  2. Dan says:

    There’s some good set-pieces in The Strangers that certainly get under the skin. As you liked this Heather I recommend Them (‘Ils’) which is similar but I think even more frightening.
    Dan recently posted..Review- Death Sentence

    • Heather says:

      Never heard of it Dan but will definitely take under advisement and try to see before my 31 Days Of Halloween is over.
      Heather recently posted..Throwback Tuesday- Poltergeist 1982

  3. FRC Ruben says:

    Agreed that this movie is appropriately creepy. Home invasion is my 2nd biggest fear.
    FRC Ruben recently posted..Famous Last Words The Rocky Horror Picture Show

    • Heather says:

      There are some elements that are a little blah in my opinion, but the fact that our protagonists aren’t morons and really DO try to get out of the situation at appropriate times makes for a pretty scary run through.
      Heather recently posted..Throwback Tuesday- Poltergeist 1982

  4. amy says:

    I saw this twice – the first time with an audience, and then as a rental. I found my audience kind of… annoying, mainly because when I was getting into the scary moments, some of the teen crowd started laughing hysterically.

    The 2nd time around, alone in my room at night – definitely goosebumps. Mainly because break-ins are so common here.

    I’m glad (and kinda surprised) you liked it this much, since most people seem to think anything that’s not gore is not worth their money.
    amy recently posted..Asia Pacific Screen Nominations 2010

    • Heather says:

      And that’s probably why it appealed to me so much Amy. It’s not that gore scares me, in fact I’m completely indifferent to it, but slasher flicks tend to do nothing to unnerve me. I don’t think this flick would render the same affect if not for a solitary viewing, but it’s still a very smartly done film, with essentially only two characters throughout. I have a different taste of the horror genre, and am happy to find someone that shares it with me!
      Heather recently posted..Throwback Tuesday- Poltergeist 1982

  5. Univarn says:

    This is another one of those movies everyone keeps telling me to give a shot, but I just lack the general care. 3 and a 1/2 stars does definitely peak my curiosity though. Perhaps I’ll add it to my list of movies to see for next week’s Halloween blog posts.
    Univarn recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      And take into consideration that I cannot stand Liv Tyler or Scott Speedman either. I should have been rooting for their deaths, but never once did I even consider it was the actors they fell so smoothly into their roles. Definitely one of the more intellectually equipped horror flicks of the last decade.
      Heather recently posted..Throwback Tuesday- Poltergeist 1982

      • Univarn says:

        I like Liv Tyler well enough, though she has become more and more monotone. Scott Speedman is all over the map in my opinion. Though my natural distaste for the Underworld series doesn’t help his cause any.
        Univarn recently posted..

  6. Fitz says:

    I saw this in theatres and it stays with you. Strangers is underrated and not mentioned nearly enough when it comes to good horror.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      When it came out there was a strong buzz and it fizzled out quickly. I had completely forgot about it until I saw it available on HBO and DVRed it. Little did I know I was in for a pretty solid movie.

  7. Red says:

    First of all, it upsets my dearly that you are not a fan of Liv Tyler. She is a Goddess in my book, and now I might have to go watch a movie of hers to get the idea that somebody out there might not like her.

    Second, I agree with your review. A different kind of horror compared to what usually comes out nowadays (which is a good thing), and it works. Home invasion is definitely the way to go for horror-type movies.
    Red recently posted..

  8. Andrew says:

    I felt like this movie really took its time and savored its scares, which made them all the more effective. And what I love most about the action is that it’s all mostly quiet. There’s something deeply unsettling about the degree of silence in The Strangers that most modern horror films don’t really go for.
    Andrew recently posted..Critical Risks

  9. Marc says:

    “Why are you doing this?” “Because you were home” God, that has to be one of the scariest lines in recent film.

    Kind of reminds me of Eden Lake or any of the other ones where the main characters are just so unbelievably (almost pathetically) helpless. It really gives ya shivers. Funny enough I just got it again from Netflix so I’ll be watching this tonight. Gonna be a different experience now that me and my wife are home owners that’s for sure:P

  10. Kaiderman says:

    I LOVE this movie but it is basically a rip-off of a much better movie called THEM… I had it on my first FILMS YOU DIDN’T KNOW… post. What’s creepier is that it’s based on real events. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, find THEM and watch it! It is a french film but no real gore… less than the Strangers.
    Kaiderman recently posted..IS IT JUST ME

    • Andrew says:

      And Them could be called a rip-off of Funny Games. They’re all great movies and they’re all equally effective in their various ways, though.
      Andrew recently posted..Critical Risks

  11. Peter E. says:

    wow, I’m so surprised to read this. I saw this last year and was so disappointed. But you bring up some very intersting facts that I may not have made myself privvy to while watching it.

  12. Peter E. says:

    anyone reminded of Funny Games with this film or am I completely off base?

    • Andrew says:

      Not enough people have seen Funny Games. Either of them. Sort of interesting to watch both of Heinke’s films back-to-back.
      Andrew recently posted..Critical Risks

  13. Jim says:

    I was scared to see this movie but I think I should definitely. I agree with Peter about the comparison to Funny Games.

  14. sophia says:

    kids sould defantly not wacth this. im a big horror fan i love wacthing scary movies. its the kind of movie that after you wacth it you will be scard that someone in your driveway with a mask will be stareing at you. i loved this movie its one of my faveorite scary movies. or be afraid that someone with a mask will stalk you.its a romantic and sad movie

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