2 Responses to “SyFy Weekly: Stargate-The Ark Of Truth (2008)”

  1. i am a huge stargate dork. i have watched every movie, episode and show. I’m re watching season 7 of sg1. I dont know how i feel about SGU yet though. definitely not enjoying it.

  2. James says:

    I didn’t like SGU from the beginning- the characters all had too much baggage and Robert Carlyle was so over-the-top devious he could have worn a t-shirt saying ‘I’m the conflicted mad scientist-slash-bad guy’ and saved the writers a lot of time on pointless dialogue. I watched it enough times to realize I didn’t care enough to remember any of the characters’ names- except for Eli. At first I thought he was going to be the first gay character on Stargate, but then they contrived a ridiculous subplot about him pining away for some one dimensional female character. Then to give the ship the preposterous name ‘Destiny’, impying that this situation was put into play millions of years ago by the Ancients and these bickering, self-absorbed characters in search of a plot were part of some great design. Please. I loved the original movie and the subsequent series- even Atlantis was entertaining, except for the Wraith (where do I begin?). When the brough Atlantis back to earth, it seemed like the series could have taken an amazing turn. But, no- somebody came up with Stargate Universe. Yawn. I didn’t watch the last season, but went online out of curiosity and read the recap. The last episode sounded good, then read that there are some diehard geeks hoping for a movie…… No thanks- really!
